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Spring Quarter

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WSP 26 — Getting It Out There: An Author's Guide to Publishing

Quarter: Spring
Day(s): Saturday
Time: 10:00 am—4:00 pm
Date(s): Apr 23
Duration: 1 day
Drop By
Drop Deadline: Apr 16
Unit(s): 0 Units
Tuition: $190
Format: On-campus course
Limit: Limit 21
Status: Open
Are you finally ready to get your book out to your readers? Then whether your work is fiction or nonfiction, this workshop is for you. We will go step by step through the “submit or self-publish” decision process. We will discuss how, in the words of Seneca, no wind is a good wind unless you know which harbor you seek. With all the options now available, which publishing route is most likely to bring you personal satisfaction and success?

Find out which strategies might maximize your chance of leapfrogging the slush pile, if you decide to take the traditional route. Learn how to identify the agents and publishers you should target, and where to find them. If you are considering self-publishing, discover what that entails, flag key land mines to avoid, and assess the rewards that may be reaped from this exploding sector of the industry.

Come with your questions, and leave with a decision tree and some useful handouts. This informative session includes group discussion and exercises, as wellas question-and-answer time to give you an insider’s peek at the publishing industry.

Due to its short format, this workshop may not be taken for Credit or a Letter Grade.

Shirin Yim Bridges, Author; Publisher; Editor

Shirin Yim Bridges has successfully transitioned from author (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, HarperCollins/ Greenwillow, Chronicle Books) to self-publisher, to award-winning publisher (Goosebottom Books). She is the author of The Umbrella Queen, one of Time magazine’s Best Children’s Books of 2008. She has taught and spoken on publishing at the Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference, the California Writers Club, San Francisco State, and the Writing Salons in San Francisco and Berkeley.

Textbooks for this course:

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