Hematology Faculty

Division Chief

Linda M. Boxer, MD, PhD


  • The molecular mechanisms of deregulation of the oncogenes, c-myc and bcl-2, by translocation into immunoglobulin loci
  • How deregulation of these oncogenes disrupts the normal regulatory control mechanisms in hematopoietic cells
  • Identification of critical genes and pathways in acute lymphoblastic leukemia in response to chemotherapeutic agents


Steven E. Artandi, MD, PhD


  • Understanding the early stages of cancer development
  • Mechanisms in dyskeratosis congenita and other degenerative diseases
  • Telomerase function inside human stem cells and cancer cells

Ami Bhatt, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Our laboratory uses molecular, micro- and computational biology techniques to dissect the role of the microbiota in hematological disorders.

We hope to target vulnerabilities in hematological disorders characterizing and modifying the human microbiota, thereby improving patient outcomes.

Caroline Bérubé, MD

Clinical Associate Professor

Medical Director Outpatient Anticoagulation Clinic

General hematology

Specific interest in clinical thrombosis and hemostasis, management of anticoagulation, hemophilia, pregnancy-related hematologic conditions, immune thrombocytopenia, and anemia.



Roni Brar, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Steven E. Coutré, MD

Associate Professor

Clinical evaluation of platelet antagonists, hematopoietic growth factors and novel antithrombotics Development of clinical protocols for the treatment of hematologic malignancies including acute and chronic leukemias and multiple myeloma Director, Stanford Hematology Clinic

Lawrence Tim Goodnough, MD

Professor, Pathology & Medicine

  • Director of Transfusion Service
  • Oversees and supervises rotation in transfusion service
  • Associate Director of Quality, Department of Pathology
  • Director, Transfusion Medicine Fellowship Program
  • Associate Medical Director, Stanford Blood Center

Jason R. Gotlib, MD

Associate Professor

Phase I/II trial evaluation of novel therapies for myelodysplastic syndromes, acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, and chronic myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs, eg. polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, primary myelofibrosis, hypereosinophilic syndromes, and systemic mastocytosis) Translational research collaborations to interrogate the molecular basis of CML and chronic MPDs
MPDs Associate Director, Stanford Myelodysplastic Syndromes Center Director, Hematology Division Tissue Bank Director, Med 8, Inpatient Hematology Service Director, Hematology Fellowship Program



Peter L. Greenberg, MD

Professor, Emeritus (Active)

  • The role and mechanisms of programmed cell death (apoptosis), oncoprotein/oncogene expression, and anti-angiogenesis in hemopoietic regulation
  • Focus is given to evaluating these processes in the evolution of myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia in vitro and in vivo, with emphasis on the impact of hemopoietic growth factors
  • Development of clinical protocols for treating myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemias
  • Director, MDS Center

David Iberri, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Calvin J. Kuo, MD, PhD


  • Assessment of therapeutic efficacy of novel anti-angiogenic factors using adenoviral, knockout and corneal micropocket assays in mice
  • Biology and signaling mechanisms of novel vascular G-protein coupled receptors in mice and zebrafish
  • Roles of Wnt signaling in adult physiology using adenoviral and transgenic approaches

Lawrence L.K. Leung, MD

The Maureen Lyles D'Ambrogio Professor

  • The discovery and development of new antithrombotic reagents, targeting plasma proteases and their inhibitors, and cell adhesive proteins and their receptors on platelets and endothelial cells
  • Approaches include basic molecular and protein biochemistry to the evaluation in appropriate animal models

Michaela Liedtke, MD

Assistant Professor

Director, Stanford Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Program

Design of clinical trials using new therapeutic strategies and experimental therapeutics for multiple myeloma, amyloidosis and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Translational research collaborations to investigate the pathophysiology of amyloidosis. Development of a program addressing the unique needs of adolescents and young adults with cancer.

Ravi Majeti, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Molecular characterization of human acute myeloid leukemia stem cells and their pathogenesis using bioinformatics, genomics, microfluidics, flow cytometry, and xenotransplantation assays in mice Development of novel therapeutic monoclonal antibodies directed against human acute myeloid leukemia stem cell surface antigens Investigation of normal human hematopoiesis and hematopoietic stem cells using similar techniques

Beth A. Martin, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor 

Clinical interests include the histiocytoses including HLH/MAS, autoimmune hematology including T-LGL, AIHA, and Castleman.  Educational interests include physical diagnosis, clinical decision-making and communication under desperate circumstances, and chemotherapy.  My research focuses on HLH.

Bruno Medeiros, MD

Associate Professor

My research interests focus on the experimental therapeutics of acute myeloid leukemia with the ultimate goal of improving our understanding of the genomic abnormalities responsible for leukemogenesis and how these abnormalities can be exploited therapeutically. It also includes the development and incorporation of novel agents into the treatment regimens for young and older patients with AML and those with acute leukemia secondary to antecedent hematologic disorders. We have an innovative and highly active clinical-translational research program that has mentored post-doctoral fellows and young faculty members at Stanford and other academic centers. In addition, we have interest in population based approaches to better understand treatment options and outcomes in AML. 



Beverly S. Mitchell, MD

George E. Becker Professor of Medicine

  • Role of nucleotides in regulating nucleolar organization, function and cell proliferation
  • Novel therapies for acute leukemia with correlative studies
  • Function of a novel DNA repair protein with ubiquitin ligase activity

Elizabeth A. Price, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Clinical and laboratory characterization of unexplained anemia of aging Development of clinical protocol evaluating hematologic and functional response to interventions in unexplained anemia of aging


Stanley L. Schrier, MD

Professor, Emeritus (Active)

Red cell biology with emphasis on the pathophysiology and cell biology of the thalassemias, the causes of anemia in malaria, and the complex consequences of anemia in the aged

James L. Zehnder, MD


Clinical and laboratory investigation of thrombosis and bleeding disorders Molecular diagnostic testing for inherited thrombophilia and hematololymphoid malignancy