Stanford University
IRACDA Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award
Program Application

The Stanford-SJSU IRACDA Program is a unique NIH-sponsored program that provides the opportunity for Stanford postdoctoral scholars in the biosciences to receive an in-depth training not only in research but also in teaching. It is designed for those who are committed to a faculty career in which undergraduate teaching will be a major part of their responsibilities, especially at institutions that have a commitment to serving under-represented minorities. IRACDA Fellows engage in postdoctoral research at Stanford University, in-depth training in pedagogy, teaching, and mentoring, and mentored teaching experiences at San Jose State University.

For the 2015-16 awardees, the IRACDA Program will provide two (2) years of salary, health benefits, and travel funds to attend the Annual IRACDA National Conference. For the two-year duration of the fellowship, IRACDA scholars will spend about 25% of their time engaged in teaching- or mentoring-related activities through the IRACDA Program and about 75% in research. This 25% effort on teaching is not a nominal or negotiable amount and requires an exceptional commitment to this career path. Juggling this with the caliber of research performed at Stanford is challenging, and applicants must carefully consider whether this program is appropriate for them. It is equally important that the applicant’s postdoctoral research adviser also fully understands the demands of the 25% teaching commitment required by this program.

For the 2015-16 application cycle, applicants must:

  • have completed at least 9 months of postdoctoral research in the biosciences with their current PI by September 1, 2015.
  • have completed their PhD, MD, or equivalent degree no more than 24 months prior to September 1, 2015 (and provide proof of their doctoral degree); time taken for family or disability leave is not counted in the 24-month total (contact the Program Manager with questions)
  • be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents at the time of application 
  • obtain prior approval from their PI to take part in the IRACDA Program and submit a statement of support signed by their PI (see application materials, below)

All applicants who meet the above criteria are welcome to apply; however, as the IRACDA program is designed to provide role models for underrepresented minority students in sciences, candidates from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

To be considered for the program, interested individuals should:

1. Prepare the application materials below and submit them via

i) Complete the Application online at

ii) Upload a 1-page personal statement that covers the following:

  • your specific experience and interest in teaching;
  • your experience and interest in supporting and promoting underrepresented minority students in the sciences;
  • your career goals;
  • what you would bring to the IRACDA Program at Stanford

iii) Upload your Curriculum Vitae

iv) Upload a Statement of Support signed by your Stanford faculty mentor.

2. Arrange to have two Letters of Recommendation submitted through One of these letters must come from your current faculty mentor, and both letters should explicitly address your abilities and interest in teaching and research and the probability of you succeeding as a faculty member who is committed to excelling in both realms. (Please note: emails sent form to faculty requesting their letters will be sent from

Application Dates:

  • Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis through the final deadline of 11:59 PM on September 14th.

  • Letters of Recommendation are due at 11:59 PM on September 20th via

  • First- and second-round interviews will be conducted at Stanford between September 14th and 25th; applicants must be available to interview during that period.

  • Final decisions will be announced on September 30th, with funding intended to start on October 1, 2015.

For questions about the Program or application process, contact the Program Director, Prof. John Boothroyd, the Program Manager, Robin Sugiura or the Assistant Dean of Postdoctoral Affairs, Dr. Sofie Kleppner.

For information regarding the teaching component of the Program, contact Dr. Brandon White.

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