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A very precise and accurate GPS (global positioning system) can be vital to understanding earthquake hazards because it can reveal information that is invisible to seismometers--crustal movement that occurs over long time scales and is associated with crustal deformation and buildup of strain alo


For plants, the soil environment is a major habitat factor and can be extremely important in plant speciation. Jasper Ridge is home to an extensive serpentine outcrop occupied by two superficially indistinguishable species of Lasthenia(Asteraceae), L. californica and L. gracilis.


Soap Plant, Chlorogalum pomeridianum, is an abundant, large bulb plant in many areas of Jasper Ridge. It is subject to substantial herbivory of both its leaves and inflorescence. In February 2009 Rodolfo Dirzo began a study of herbivory on this species at 4 sites across Jasper Ridge.


The Jasper Ridge bird monitoring program consists of two separate but complementary surveys whose goal is to create a body of data that can be used to detect trends in many aspects of avian ecology, both within specific habitats and for JRBP as a whole.
