SLAC Special Seminar: Elisabeth Krause (KIPAC)

1:00pm to 2:00pm
Tuesday March 15th, 2016

The LSST Awakens - Fundamental Physics with Galaxy Surveys

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will map the spatial distribution and shapes of billions of galaxies, enabling us to constrain fundamental physics, such as the nature of cosmic acceleration, the distribution of primordial density fluctuations, and neutrino masses. However, the interpretation of this unprecedented data set is limited by systematic uncertainties caused by the observing process, as well as from insufficient understanding of astrophysics.

In this talk I will introduce concepts for the joint analysis of multiple observables tracing the large-scale structure of the Universe. These observables probe different aspects of structure formation and are affected differently by systematic uncertainties, and a joint analysis of these observables greatly improves constraints on cosmological parameters. I will describe science prospects of these multi-probe analyses in the context of analysis plans for the first year of LSST data, and give an outlook on synergies between LSST and other ground and space-based surveys.

SLAC, Sycamore Conference Room (Bldg 40, room 195)