Friday, October 4, 2013 - 1:15pm - 2:05pm

Luis Buñuel (1900-1983) is worldly known as one of the best film directors of the XXth Century. Some of his films (UN CHIEN ANDALOU, LOS OLVIDADOS, VIRIDIANA, EL ANGEL EXTERMINADOR, THE OBSCURE OBJECT OF DESIRE, and so on) are arguably among the best ever. We celebrate his art, with a talk (in Spanish) by Prof. Jorge Ruffinelli on Buñuel the individual, the intellectual, and the artist. We will show some clips of his films.

Professor Jorge Ruffinelli is a Professor at the Department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures. Before arriving to Stanford in 1986, Ruffinelli had taught at the University of Buenos Aires and the University of Veracruz, México. He has published more than twenty books on Latin American literature and film. His most recent books are: America Latina en 130 películas (2010), and América Latina en 130 documentales (2012). He is currently finishing writing two books for publication in 2014: Para verte mejor (A History of Uruguayan Films), and Locas mujeres (130 films made by women in Latin America).


Jorge Ruffinelli, Professor of Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Stanford

*** Lecture in  Spanish***
Questions may be in English or Spanish

Open to the public

Bolivar House, 582 Alvarado Row.   Lunch served.

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