LBRE Departments

Buildings and Grounds Maintenance

Buildings and Grounds Maintenance (BGM) is responsible for maintaining the academic buildings and grounds of the Stanford campus.

Specific services include:

Capital Planning

Capital Planning leads the University's capital planning process each year. In addition, we create and implement space related policies and procedures that support the University’s long-term goals and priorities for responsible growth and development.

Finance and Administration

Finance and Administration provides the foundation for LBRE operations including budgets, capital funding coordination and documentation, information technology systems, authority and approvals, internal controls, compliance, accounting and reporting. We are the liaison with other University financial departments, Human Resources, the Cabinet and Board of Trustees.

Heritage Services

Heritage Services provides assistance with documenting, evaluating and interpreting Stanford’s Heritage Resources: archaeological sites; historic buildings, structures and landscapes. Stanford University is blessed with a rich and varied legacy of historic sites and structures. 

Land Use and Environmental Planning

Land Use and Environmental Planning advises the senior University administration and the Board of Trustees regarding long term land use and the protection of land-based resources. We strive to balance support of the academic program with stewardship of lands for future University needs and protection of the local environment.

Maps and Records

Maps and Records creates and maintains a central resource of historic, current and future land, buildings, real estate and infrastructure information for Stanford University. Our department supports LBRE staff, consultants and contractors, and our clients throughout the university with access to this information through on-line resources, and research or custom services. We also coordinate the continuous improvement of facilities information resources and standards.

Project Management

Project Management (DPM) manages capital projects for the University from inception through construction and beyond. We endeavor to plan and develop facilities and landscapes that enhance the teaching and research objectives at Stanford, embrace our partnership with the community and reinforce our stewardship of Stanford lands.

Project Management Resources (DMP)

Project Management Resources provides training, development, and awareness of University policies, process, and procedures for school and department project managers responsible for managing their own construction projects. These projects not managed by LBRE professional project managers are known as Departmentally Managed Projects, or DMPs. 

Real Estate

Real Estate manages and oversees the non-academic property on Stanford lands. Our department performs property management and development services for these lands on behalf of the University. The areas under management comprise a wide variety of property types, ranging from hotels and retail buildings to housing and agricultural lands.

Sustainability and Energy Management

Sustainability and Energy Management (SEM) leads the initiative to advance sustainability in campus operations and oversees campus utilities and transportation services. We develop strategic long-term goals that help reduce our environmental impact, supporting the university’s commitment to be a good environmental steward.

Specific services include:

University Architect/Campus Planning and Design

As caretakers of a legacy, The University Architect/Campus Planning and Design leads an integrated approach to strategic planning and design excellence in creating a model campus consistent with Stanford's status as one of the leading academic/research institutions in the world.