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Top Six Guidelines for Window Box Gardening

1: Determine the type of microclimate in which your plants will be living.
There is a reason cacti grow in deserts and palm trees grow in warm, sunny places. They were made for it! Each plant has a unique set of conditions that is needed to help it grow ... Read More

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If home is where you lay your hat, then perhaps it should also be where you tend your garden. Flowers, herbs, even vegetables—they are all possible to ... 3 comments
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Flowers and Their Meanings
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Starting and Maintaining Indoor Gardens
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I Can Plant That?!?
The common green houseplant will keep the oxygen flowing but let’s face it... the same old ivy and african violets can get a little stale. Here are a few ... 5 comments
Gardening All Year Long
Summer brought fresh basil from your window box and blooming annuals from the potted plants on your porch. But suddenly, you’re watching football on the weekends and ... 6 comments
Gardening in Outdoor Spaces
If you were lucky enough to score some outside space at your place, it’s time to make the best of it! Barbecues, summer parties, and sunbathing on ... 1 comment

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