How to Apply

We invite all members of the Stanford community involved in advancing child and maternal health research and training to apply for membership in the Child Health Research Institute.

Once your application is received, your Community Academic Profile (CAP) will be updated to reflect membership in CHRI.

To apply for membership to the Stanford Child Health Research Institute (CHRI), please read the policy below and fill in the brief questions. Once your application is received, your Community Academic Profile (CAP) will be updated to reflect membership in CHRI.

A: General

The CHRI at Stanford engages the academic strengths of the Stanford School of Medicine (SoM), along with Stanford's six other Schools, Independent Labs, Institutes, and Centers, so that they incrementally apply their research engines on issues that are relevant to maternal child health. Maternal child health refers to the expectant mother, oocyte, zygote, embryo, fetus, infant, child, and adolescent. To facilitate these efforts, the principles guiding membership in the CHRI are for the CHRI to be inclusive and for the members to be responsive to, and responsible for, the needs of the maternal child health research community.

B: Eligibility

Members of the CHRI must:

  • Hold a doctoral degree: MD, PhD, or their equivalents.
  • Hold an appointment in the following lines within the SoM or Stanford University: CE/MCL/NTLR/NTLT/UTL or be an Instructor, Clinical or Postdoctoral Fellow.
  • Carry out work in support of the strategic priorities of LPCH and SoM as they relate to innovation in maternal child health and training of maternal child health researchers.
  • Have fulfilled their responsibilities as members of the CHRI during the preceding year.

C: Privileges

Members of the CHRI may apply for and receive grants and awards from the CHRI.

D: Responsibilities

CHRI members must when requested:

  • Participate in peer review of applications for CHRI funding. (Applicable only to Members in CE/MCL/NTLR/NTLT/UTL lines).
  • Annually update Stanford Profile, formerly Community Academic Profile (CAP), including publications and photograph
  • If funded by the CHRI, provide an annual report no later than 1 month after the end of the fiscal year. This brief report will list their maternal child health related research funding and academic productivity in a format requested by the CHRI administration.