Faculty Recruitment

At Stanford Medicine, we put particular emphasis on diversity in the recruitment process. Each search committee requires a diversity officer and must contact OFDD at least six weeks prior to meeting to schedule a presentation by senior leadership on diversity metrics as well as strategies to combat unconscious bias in the search and selection process.    


See here for more information on the Faculty Search Process    

For further information or questions on the academic search process, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs


  • To schedule an OFDD search committee presentation at an upcoming search committee meeting
  • To discuss diversity in recruitment within your department or division
  • If you are a diverse candidate for a faculty position and would like further information

Provost Office and OFDD Recommendations

  • Create a diverse search committee 

  • Consider the composition of candidate pools 

  • Look in the right places 

  • Monitor the diversity of search processes 

  • Use proactive recruitment strategies 

  • Consider the concerns of underrepresented recruits 

  • Devote adequate time to evaluation 

  • Avoid premature ranking of candidates 

  • Critically analyze supporting materials (e.g. recommendations, teaching evaluations, research statements) 

  • Be prepared to explain your decisions and be transparent about criteria. Is it the same for all candidates? Is it the right criteria?