Rosalyne Tu, MS, RD

Title: Manager of Operations, BeWell Biometrics; Wellness Advisor, BeWell; HIP Instructor

Location: Burnham Pavillion
Phone: 650-721-3035


Rosalyne is a Wellness Advisor for the BeWell Numbers Program and Registered Dietitian. She attended UC Berkeley for her undergraduate degree in Nutritional Science, Penn State for her dietetic internship, and Columbia University for her Masters Degree in Exercise Science and Nutrition.

Rosalyne began her career as a Clinical Dietitian, working in hospitals and outpatient services for over 5 years.  Having worked with a majority of patients with diabetes, heart, liver and kidney disease, she soon realized that she wanted to devote her career to prevention. During this time, Rosalyne also realized that just telling people what they can do to improve their health just wasn’t enough to help them change their behaviors. These two realizations motivated Rosalyne to go back to school so that she could gain better tools to help facilitate behavior change in others.

Rosalyne’s career interests include prevention on larger a scale, mainly in the realm of public health. In addition to working for Stanford, she also works for the Childhood Feeding Collaborative, an obesity prevention program under the Santa Clara County Public Health Department. This program focuses on educating families and pediatricians on best practices in feeding guidance for kids 0-6yrs.  In addition to this experience, Rosalyne also worked for the Department of Health in New York City, focusing on baseline data relating to the Calorie Initiative; and research at the New York City Obesity Research Center, studying the effects of discounted fruits and vegetables on purchasing and consumption of supermarket shoppers.

Since 2011, Rosalyne has been able to combine her interests of large-scale public health and her enjoyment of connecting with people on a one-on-one basis through the BeWell program. She regularly advises participants during their Wellness Profile appointments and teaches a cooking class through the HIP program (Healthy Kitchen series). She also oversees the screening, data and survey processes pertaining to the BeWell Wellness Profile.

Rosalyne is grateful for a job that she loves and for her newest addiction …her recently born daughter! Although life has changed drastically, Rosalyne is still working on maintaining her hobbies of gardening, cooking and physical activity while establishing her “new normal” as a working mother.