
The goal of the Office of Community Engagement (OCE) is to serve as a bridge between community-defined health needs and health related research on campus. We align our work with the Center for Population Health Science's mission of improving individual and population health by bringing together diverse disciplines and data to understand and address social, environmental, behavioral, and biological factors on both a domestic and global scale.

We do this by providing tools for community engagement and community-engaged research, funding and learning opportunities, technical assistance, and services to faculty, trainees, and community partners. We aim to spur and nurture meaningful community partnerships as well as facilitate the design and implementation of rigorous research that promotes population health and health equity

Funding and Learning Opportunities

PHS Pilot Grants

Through the Spectrum PHS Pilot Grant Program, OCE offers seed grants that are intended to incubate new community-engaged faculty research. The grants support research that provides insights into promising practices and indicators of effective community-engagement.
Learn more about our grants >

Valley Foundation Fellowship

Thanks to support from the Valley Foundation, the Office of Community Engagement (OCE) has funding to support medical students interested in working with our Community Partners on projects that meet specific partner-identified needs.

The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship-San Francisco Bay Area

The Schweitzer Fellowship provides community service fellowships for graduate students in health-related professional fields to design community based projects to address unmet health needs.

Learning Opportunities

Throughout the year, we offer various learning opportunities in the form of seminars, symposia, and trainings. 

Community Partnerships

The Office of Community Engagement is unique in its mandate to develop partnerships with a broad range of community organizations to understand and address the social, environmental, behavioral, and biological factors that impact population health.

Got Questions?

We look forward to hearing from you. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to:



Connect with Us

Stanford faculty, students, trainees and affiliated researchers are invited to join the Center for Population Health Sciences. Members receive access to data sets, funding notices, consultation and collaboration opportunities.