
Help to make a difference

Donations and gifts to the Stanford/VA Alzheimer's Research Center enable our multi-disciplinary team to provide free professional services and high quality clinical care to individuals, patients, their families, and providers. These services include family counseling, diagnostic and management guidance, innovative support groups, and education.

In addition to providing expert patient care, your contributions are important in supporting our ongoing scientific investigations in understanding the causes and eventually treating Alzheimer's disease.

All gifts are tax-deductible.


For gifts via check:

·         Please make check payable to Stanford University

·         In the memo line or check transmittal – note: Stanford/VA Alzheimer’s Research Center

·         In the letter include this statement –This gift is in memory of ______________ and is intended to support the Stanford/VA Alzheimer’s Research Center.  Please notify {name and contact information}        

·         Mail to:  Stanford University Development Services, P.O. Box 20466, Stanford, CA  94309-0466


Gifts via credit card  

·         Go to

·         Click on the gift icon.

·         In the second drop down, select School of Medicine – other

·         In the further designation box:  This gift is intended to support the Stanford/VA Alzheimer’s Center  

·         The site will ask if you wish to designate the gift in tribute/memory of someone and walk you through that process.


For additional information contact: