Course Catalog

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Courses       7 Clerkships

Jonathan Berek, MD, MMS

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Faculty of Obstetrics and Gynecology:

Courses offered by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology are listed under the subject code OBGYN on Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology does not offer degrees; however, it does offer classes that are open to undergraduates, medical students, and other graduate students. Qualified medical, graduate, or undergraduate students with an interest in basic research in reproductive biology may arrange individual projects under the supervision of the faculty. The focus for the Division of Reproductive Biology is the study of the molecular and cellular biology of male and female reproductive organs.

The Department’s mission is to provide sustained leadership in scientific investigation, outstanding patient care, and education by training the future leaders of its specialty. Its faculty is committed to the highest level of basic and clinical research in Obstetrical & Gynecologic science, focused particularly on innovative translational medicine; bringing scientific results from the bench to the bedside.The department houses the Center for Research and Education in Women and Gender Sciences.


Preclinical instruction includes all aspects of human reproduction as well as preventive and corrective care of diseases and conditions, benign and malignant, of the female reproductive organs. Preparation for participation in clinical activities within the specialty and the subspecialty areas of reproductive endocrinology-infertility, maternal-fetal medicine, and gynecologic oncology may be acquired through directed reading and scheduled discussions with faculty members. Opportunities for clinical research exist in areas as diverse as childbirth education, prepartum evaluation of fetal well-being, monitoring results of tumor therapy, benchwork in the clinical testing procedures of the reproductive endocrinology-infertility laboratory, fetal diagnosis and therapy, ultrasound imaging, genetic counseling, community-oriented perinatal education, and maternal transport programs.

Clinical instruction exposes students to basic skills in the diagnosis and management of pregnancy and common gynecologic problems through three basic clerkships offered at the Stanford University Medical Center, the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, and the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Santa Clara respectively. These clerkships provide students experience in outpatient clinics; labor and delivery rooms, including night-long duty in the delivery suite; inpatient obstetric service; and operating rooms. Several elective clerkships provide additional experience in subspecialty areas including: maternal-fetal medicine, gynecologic oncology, and reproductive endocrinology-infertility.


The Residency Program in Obstetrics and Gynecology is a four-year program done at Stanford University Medical Center, which includes Stanford University Hospital and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. The goal of the program is to develop within residents the knowledge, skills, maturity, and judgment required to provide excellent patient care in both the physical and emotional aspects of gynecologic and obstetric practice. The program offers an intense exposure to general obstetrics and gynecology, as well as the subspecialties of Gynecologic Oncology, Family Planning, Urogynecology, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. Residents also gain exposure to the role of the OB/GYN as a provider of primary care for women. Assignments to the various services are designed to ensure that residents have increasing responsibility and opportunity for progressively independent patient management as training proceeds.


Opportunities for postdoctoral training in obstetrics and gynecology are available. For information, refer to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs home page at or the departmental home page.


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