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Who are we? As the only Stanford-based group ded­i­cated to salsa, Los Salseros brings this exu­ber­ant and sen­sual dance to the Stan­ford cam­pus and San Fran­cisco Bay Area. We seek to enter­tain, teach, and spread our love for salsa through our per­for­mances, work­shops, and dance parties. We’d rather you come out and dance with us rather than sit there read­ing this on your...

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Mail­ing Lists To sub­scribe: Receive updated infor­ma­tion about our events (includ­ing salsa par­ties, per­for­mances, and dance-related events), in addi­tion to ride shar­ing infor­ma­tion to local clubs, sub­scribe to our mail­ing list by send­ing a blank email to: salsa-amigos-join {at} lists.stanford(.)edu var mailNode = document.getElementById('emob-fnyfn-nzvtbf-wbva...

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