Departments and Country Offices | Asian Development Bank

Departments and Country Offices

  Organization Chart (as of 3 October 2017)

Office of the President (OPR)
Takehiko NAKAO (Mr) President   E-mail

Managing Director General

Office of the Vice-Presidents

Bambang SUSANTONO (Mr)Vice-President (Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development)   E-mail

Wencai ZHANG (Mr)Vice-President (Operations 1)   E-mail

Stephen P. GROFF (Mr)Vice-President (Operations 2)   E-mail

Diwakar GUPTA (Mr)Vice-President (Private Sector and Cofinancing Operations)   E-mail

Deborah STOKES (Ms)Vice-President (Administration and Corporate Management)   E-mail

Ingrid VAN WEES (Ms)Vice-President (Finance and Risk Management)   E-mail

Administrative Services, Office of (OAS)

Provides administrative support to help management and staff enhance workplace effectiveness. More on Institutional Procurement | Information request

VacantPrincipal Director
Makoto OJIRO (Mr)Director, Facilities and Asset Management Division   E-mail
Qifeng ZHANG (Mr)Director, Institutional Services Division   E-mail
Andrew CLINTON (Mr)Advisor and Head, Organizational Resilience Unit   E-mail
VacantAdvisor and Head, Procurement and Contracts Administration Unit
Anticorruption and Integrity, Office of (OAI)

Is the designated point of contact for allegations of fraud or corruption pertaining to ADB-financed activities or staff members. More on Anticorruption and Integrity | Report fraud and corruption

Clare WEE (Ms)Head   E-mail
David BINNS (Mr)Director, Investigations Division   E-mail
Auditor General, Office of (OAG)

Undertakes financial, administrative, and information systems audits; provides assistance to external auditors; and liases with international organizations and anticorruption.

Hock Chye ONG (Mr)Auditor General   E-mail
Joy MACAISA-VIRAY (Ms)Assistant Auditor General   E-mail
Budget, Personnel, and Management Systems Department (BPMSD)

Provides advice and services in budget, staff position management, human resources, staff development, benefits, and compensation. More on Careers

Toshio OYA (Mr)Director General   E-mail
Dayalini MENDIS (Ms)Deputy Director General   E-mail
Eugenue ZHUKOV (Mr)Senior Advisor   E-mail
Vicky TAN (Ms)Director, Budget and Management Services Division   E-mail
Matthew DRAGE (Mr)Director, Compensation, Benefits, and Pension Division   E-mail
Muhammad Ehsan KHAN (Mr)Director, HR Business Partners Division   E-mail
Makoto KUBOTA (Mr)Director, HR Operations and Health Division   E-mail
Edna DIEZ (Ms)Director, HR Policy and Program Division   E-mail
Chia-Hsin HU (Ms)Advisor and Head, Unit for Institutional Coordination   E-mail
Central and West Asia Department (CWRD)

Covers operations in Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Sean O'SULLIVAN (Mr)Director General   E-mail
Hong WEI (Mr)Deputy Director General   E-mail
Chin Choon FONG (Mr)Senior Advisor, Public–Private Partnership   E-mail
Werner LIEPACH (Mr)Senior Advisor   E-mail
VacantDirector, Energy Division
Akmal SIDDIQ (Mr)Director, Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Division   E-mail
Rainer HARTEL (Mr)Director, Public Management, Financial Sector, and Trade Division   E-mail
Safdar PARVEZ (Mr)Director, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division   E-mail
Rie HIRAOKA (Ms)Director, Social Sector Division   E-mail
Dong-Soo PYO (Mr)Director, Transport and Communications Division   E-mail
Yong YE (Mr)Director, Urban Development and Water Division   E-mail
Nianshan ZHANG (Mr)Advisor and Head, Portfolio, Results, Safeguards, and Gender Unit   E-mail
Cofinancing Operations, Office of (OCO)

Acts as ADB's focal point for planning, promoting, and arranging cofinancing for ADB projects. More on Cofinancing Partnerships

Kai PREUGSCHAT (Mr)Head   E-mail
Tatsuya KANAI (Mr)Senior Advisor   E-mail
Sujata GUPTA (Ms)Director   E-mail
Compliance Review Panel, Office of the (OCRP)

Provides support to ADB's independent Compliance Review Panel which, upon request by affected persons, investigates ADB's compliance with its operational policies and procedures in the formulation, processing, or implementation of an ADB-financed project. More on the Compliance Review Panel | Contact

Dingding TANG (Mr)Chair   E-mail
Controller's Department (CTL)

Maintains accounting policy and systems, prepares financial reports, and authorizes loan, technical assistance, grants, disbursements, and other payments.

Chai Sun KIM (Ms)Controller   E-mail
Setijo BOENTARAN (Mr)Assistant Controller, Accounting Division   E-mail
Neil WALLACE (Mr)Assistant Controller, Loan Administration Division   E-mail
VacantAssistant Controller, Trust Fund and Administrative Expense Division
East Asia Department (EARD)

Covers operations in the People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Republic of Korea; Mongolia; and Taipei,China

Indu BHUSHAN (Mr)Director General   E-mail
M. Teresa KHO (Ms)Deputy Director General   E-mail
Ashok BHARGAVA (Mr)Director, Energy Division   E-mail
Qingfeng ZHANG (Mr)Director, Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture Division   E-mail
Ying QIAN (Mr)Director, Public Management, Financial Sector, and Regional Cooperation Division   E-mail
Robert GUILD (Mr)Director, Transport and Communications Division   E-mail
Sangay PENJOR (Mr)Director, Urban and Social Sectors Division   E-mail
Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department (ERCD)

Conducts rigorous data analysis and strong database development and management. More on Data and Research | More on Regional Cooperation and Integration | Information request

Yasuyuki SAWADA (Mr)Chief Economist and Director General   E-mail
Juzhong ZHUANG (Mr)Deputy Chief Economist and Deputy Director General   E-mail
Noritaka AKAMATSU (Mr)Senior Advisor, Financial Cooperation and Integration   E-mail
Avonechith SIACKHACHANH (Ms)Senior Advisor   E-mail
Rana HASAN (Mr)Director, Development Economics and Indicators Division   E-mail
Edimon GINTING (Mr)Director, Economic Analysis and Operational Support Division   E-mail
Joseph Ernest ZVEGLICH, Jr. (Mr)Director, Macroeconomics Research Division   E-mail
Cyn-Young PARK (Ms)Director, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division   E-mail
External Relations, Department of (DER)

Provides leadership, resources, and strategies for communicating with internal and external audiences. More on Media Contacts | More on permission to use ADB Publications |  Contact the Publishing Team

Satinder BINDRA (Mr)Principal Director   E-mail
Omana NAIR (Ms)Director   E-mail
General Counsel, Office of the (OGC)

Handles all legal aspects of operations and activities, including providing legal advice.

Christopher STEPHENS (Mr)General Counsel   E-mail
Ramit NAGPAL (Mr)Deputy General Counsel   E-mail
Kori EMZITA (Ms)Assistant General Counsel   E-mail
Damien EASTMAN (Mr)Assistant General Counsel   E-mail
Ashraf MOHAMMED (Mr)Assistant General Counsel   E-mail
John VERSANTVOORT (Mr)Assistant General Counsel   E-mail
Independent Evaluation Department (IED)

Helps ADB continuously improve its development effectiveness and accountability to stakeholders. More on Independent Evaluation

Marvin TAYLOR-DORMOND (Mr)Director General   E-mail
Veronique SALZE-LOZAC'H (Ms)Deputy Director General   E-mail
Walter KOLKMA (Mr)Director, Thematic and Country Division   E-mail
Nathan SUBRAMANIAM (Mr)Director, Sector and Project Division   E-mail
Information Systems and Technology, Office of (OIST)

Manages ADB's automated information systems and telecommunication services.

Shirin HAMID (Ms)Principal Director   E-mail
Pierre PASSIN (Mr)Director, Infrastructure and Communications Division   E-mail
VacantDirector, Solutions Delivery Division
VacantDirector, Technology Division
Alain DUMINY (Mr)Advisor and Head, IT Governance and Portfolio Management Unit   E-mail
Ombudsperson, Office of the (OOMP)

Provides ADB staff with a confidential, impartial, off-the-record, and independent setting to discuss and resolve work related concerns and issues. Alerts Management to trends and concerns about the workplace that should be addressed. Contact

Operations Services and Financial Management Department (OSFMD)

Is responsible for planning, monitoring, and coordinating project processing and administration work programs, procurement reviews, and consultant recruitment. More on Business Opportunities | Information request

Risa Zhijia TENG (Ms)Director General   E-mail
Jeffrey William TAYLOR (Mr)Director, Procurement Division 1   E-mail
Walter POICK (Mr)Director, Procurement Division 2   E-mail
Aman TRANA (Ms)Advisor and Head, Financial Management Unit   E-mail
Manmohan PARKASH (Mr)Advisor and Head, Operations Management Unit   E-mail
Pacific Department (PARD)

Covers operations in the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.

Ma. Carmela LOCSIN (Ms)Director General   E-mail
James LYNCH (Mr)Deputy Director General   E-mail
Olly NOROJONO (Mr)Director, Transport, Energy, and Natural Resources Division   E-mail
Emma VEVE (Ms)Director, Urban, Social Development, and Public Management Division   E-mail
Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD)

Provides direct assistance to private sector projects with clear development impact. More on Private Sector (Nonsovereign) Financing

Michael BARROW (Mr)Director General   E-mail
Christopher THIEME (Mr)Deputy Director General   E-mail
Kenji YUHAKU (Mr)Senior Advisor   E-mail
Christine ENGSTROM (Ms)Director, Financial Institution Division   E-mail
Shantanu CHAKRABORTY (Mr)Director, Infrastructure Finance Division 1   E-mail
Jackie SURTANI (Mr)Director, Infrastructure Finance Division 2   E-mail
Janette HALL (Ms) Director, Investment Funds and Special Initiatives Division   E-mail
Craig ROBERTS (Mr)Director, Portfolio Management Division   E-mail
Mark KUNZER (Mr)Director, Transaction Support Division   E-mail
Public-Private Partnership, Office of (OPPP)

Is responsible for coordinating and supporting ADB's public–private partnership operations, and for providing transaction advisory services to developing members.

Takeo KOIKE (Mr)Director   E-mail
Risk Management, Office of (ORM)

Is responsible for policy, system, and operational risk; credit risk assessment; credit portfolio monitoring; corporate recovery; and market and treasury risk.

Marife APILADO (Ms)Director, Credit Portfolio Monitoring Division   E-mail
Timo TEINILA (Mr)Director, Credit Risk Assessment Division   E-mail
Michael KJELLIN (Mr)Director, Policy and Systems Division   E-mail
Martin KROLL (Mr)Advisor and Head, Treasury and Operational Risk Unit   E-mail
South Asia Department (SARD)

Covers operations in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

Hun KIM (Mr)Director General   E-mail
Diwesh SHARAN (Mr)Deputy Director General   E-mail
Priyantha WIJAYATUNGA (Mr)Director, Energy Division   E-mail
Mio OKA (Ms)Director, Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture Division   E-mail
Sungsup RA (Mr)Director, Human and Social Development Division   E-mail
Bruno CARRASCO (Mr)Director, Public Management, Financial Sector, and Trade Division   E-mail
Ronald Antonio BUTIONG (Mr)Director, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division   E-mail
Hiroaki YAMAGUCHI (Mr)Director, Transport and Communications Division   E-mail
Sekhar BONU (Mr)Director, Urban Development and Water Division   E-mail
Eleonora WINDISCH (Ms)Advisor and Head, Portfolio, Results, and Quality Control Unit   E-mail
Southeast Asia Department (SERD)

Covers operations in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

Ramesh SUBRAMANIAM (Mr)Director General   E-mail
F. Cleo KAWAWAKI (Ms)Deputy Director General   E-mail
Andrew JEFFRIES (Mr)Director, Energy Division   E-mail
Jiangfeng ZHANG (Mr)Director, Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture Division   E-mail
Ayako INAGAKI (Ms)Director, Human and Social Development Division   E-mail
Kelly BIRD (Mr)Director, Public Management, Financial Sector, and Trade Division   E-mail
Alfredo PERDIGUERO (Mr)Director, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division   E-mail
VacantDirector, Transport and Communications Division
VacantDirector, Urban Development and Water Division
Special Project Facilitator, Office of the (OSPF)

Responsible for actively responding to the concerns of people affected by ADB-assisted projects through fair, transparent, and consensus-based approaches. More on Accountability Mechanism | Contact

James Warren EVANS (Mr)Special Project Facilitator   E-mail
Strategy, Policy, and Review Department (SPD)

Provides ADB with a strategic planning perspective and direction, ensures policy and operations coordination, and maintains institutional relations with the international development community, especially on matters relating to resource mobilization.

Tomoyuki KIMURA (Mr)Director General   E-mail
VacantDeputy Director General
Leah GUTIERREZ (Ms)Director, Operations Planning and Coordination Division   E-mail
Valerie HILL (Ms)Director, Strategy, Policy, and Business Process Division   E-mail
Bernard WOODS (Mr)Director, Results Management and Aid Effectiveness Division   E-mail
Lesley LAHM (Ms)Advisor and Head, Interagency Relations and Nonsovereign Operations Unit   E-mail
Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department (SDCC)

Provides leadership, innovation, and knowledge sharing for ADB's sector and thematic work. More on ADB's Focus Areas

Amy LEUNG (Ms)Director General   E-mail
Nessim J. AHMAD (Mr)Deputy Director General concurrently Chief Compliance Officer   E-mail
VacantDeputy Director General concurrently Chief Thematic Officer
Gil-Hong KIM (Mr)Senior Director concurrently Chief Sector Officer   E-mail
Herath GUNATILAKE (Mr)Director, Environment and Safeguards Division   E-mail
Preety BHANDARI (Ms)Director, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Division   E-mail
VacantAdvisor, Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food Security Unit, concurrently Technical Advisor
VacantAdvisor and Head, Knowledge Sharing and Services Center
Secretary, Office of the (SEC)

Provides advice and counsel to the Board of Governors, Board of Directors, and Management.

WooChong UM (Mr)The Secretary   E-mail
Asel DJUSUPBEKOVA (Ms)Assistant Secretary   E-mail
Treasury Department (TD)

Is responsible for mobilizing funds for operations and planning, as well as managing ADB's finances.

Pierre VAN PETEGHEM (Mr)Treasurer   E-mail
Kazuki FUKUNAGA (Mr)Deputy Treasurer   E-mail
Tobias HOSCHKA (Mr)Assistant Treasurer, Financial Policy and Planning Division   E-mail
Maria LOMOTAN (Ms)Assistant Treasurer, Funding Division   E-mail
Michael JORDAN (Mr)Assistant Treasurer, Investments Division   E-mail
Sukhumarn PHANACHET (Ms)Assistant Treasurer, Treasury Services Division   E-mail
Jonathan GROSVENOR (Mr)Advisor and Head, Treasury Client Solutions Unit   E-mail
Afghanistan Resident Mission
Samuel TUMIWA (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Armenia Resident Mission
Shane ROSENTHAL (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Azerbaijan Resident Mission
Nariman MANNAPBEKOV (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Bangladesh Resident Mission
Kazuhiko HIGUCHI (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Bhutan Resident Mission
Kanokpan LAO-ARAYA (Ms) Country Director   E-mail
Cambodia Resident Mission
Samiuela TUKUAFU (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
People's Republic of China Resident Mission [中文]
Benedict BINGHAM (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
European Representative Office (Frankfurt, Germany)
Debra KERTZMAN (Ms)Representative   E-mail
Georgia Resident Mission
Yesim ELHAN-KAYALAR (Ms) Country Director   E-mail
India Resident Mission
Kenichi YOKOYAMA (Mr)Deputy Country Director   E-mail
Indonesia Resident Mission [Bahasa Indonesia]
Winfried WICKLEIN (Mr)Deputy Country Director   E-mail
Japanese Representative Office [日本語]
Takashi MATSUO (Mr)Representative   E-mail
Kazakhstan Resident Mission [Русский]
Giovanni CAPANNELLI (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Kyrgyz Republic Resident Mission
Candice MCDEIGAN (Ms) Country Director   E-mail
Lao PDR Resident Mission
Yasushi NEGISHI (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Mongolia Resident Mission
Yolanda FERNANDEZ-LOMMEN (Ms) Country Director   E-mail
Myanmar Resident Mission
VacantCountry Director
Nepal Resident Mission
VacantCountry Director
North American Representative Office (Washington, D.C., United States)
Bartlet EDES (Mr)Representative   E-mail
Pacific Liaison and Coordination Office (Sydney, Australia)
Xiaoqin FAN (Ms)Regional Director   E-mail
Pacific Subregional Office (Suva, Fiji)
Robert JAUNCEY (Mr)Regional Director   E-mail
Pakistan Resident Mission
Xiaohong YANG (Ms) Country Director   E-mail
Papua New Guinea Resident Mission
David HILL (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Philippines Country Office
Richard BOLT (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Sri Lanka Resident Mission
Sri WIDOWATI (Ms) Country Director   E-mail
Tajikistan Resident Mission
Pradeep SRIVASTAVA (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Thailand Resident Mission
Hideaki IWASAKI (Mr)Country Director   E-mail
Timor-Leste Resident Mission
Paolo SPANTIGATI (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Turkmenistan Resident Mission
Cevdet DENIZER (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Uzbekistan Resident Mission
Takeo KONISHI (Mr) Country Director   E-mail
Viet Nam Resident Mission [Tiếng Việt]
Eric SIDGWICK (Mr) Country Director   E-mail

ADB's sector and thematic groups are each composed of ADB staff who pool sector knowledge, including best practices and technologies, to realize ADB's goals. The sector and thematic groups provide strategic operational support and supports human resources and talent management within ADB.

Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

Provides technical support bank-wide to increase ADB investments in climate change adaptation, mitigation, and disaster risk reduction, covering—among others—climate change impact assessment of critical infrastructure, disaster risk financing in developing member countries, urban resilience, and climate smart agriculture operations.


Plans and monitors ADB's support to the sector, conducts analytical studies on education issues, and promotes interagency coordination in education development to achieve universal access to education in Asia and related issues.


Shares knowledge, practices, and technologies for improving Asia’s energy sector, while addressing connected concerns such as hydropower generation, clean development mechanisms, climate change, and water, and food security. 


Integrates environmental sustainability into projects, country strategies and sectors assessments; promotes eco-friendly design of infrastructure and scaling up of investments in natural capital, and ecosystem-based climate adaptation, supports initiatives to strengthen environmental management in developing member countries and promote green businesses and address regional environmental concerns.


Drives the development of Asia’s general financial market, small and medium enterprise, and payment system, while promoting regional economic and financial integration. 

Gender Equity

Promotes and advocates increased attention to gender issues in ADB projects and forges links with development partners on gender-related issues to accelerate the integration of gender equity and women’s empowerment in ADB operations. 


Promotes attention to governance and public sector management issues in ADB operations, and is an important institutional platform for knowledge sharing, cross-departmental coordination, peer review, learning, and links to external networks and partners. 


Improves knowledge management in the health sector by creating a strong community of health planners and practitioners, stimulating and facilitating relevant knowledge products, and monitoring sector-related issues and performance. 

Public-Private Partnership

Promotes PPP and private sector development in ADB’s core operational areas, and pools knowledge toward the creation a unified approach among practitioners within ADB for implementing PPP options. 

Regional Cooperation and Integration

Provides strategic directions in administering the Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund, Investment Climate Facilitation Fund, and People's Republic of China Regional Cooperation and Poverty Reduction Fund. 

Rural Development and Food Security (Agriculture)

Conducts expert and peer reviews of project design and engages with IFAD, CGIAR, FAO, UNEP, USDA, and other agencies in research, peer reviews, workshops, and other activities to address Asia’s food security concerns and rural poverty. 

Social Development

Promotes new initiatives and policies that aim to reduce poverty, inequality, and vulnerability among poor and marginalized groups by transforming social institutions toward inclusive and equitable social development. 


Concentrates on scaling up urban transport, mainstreaming climate change and energy efficiency in projects, improving cross-border transport and logistics, and supporting road safety and social sustainability. 


Facilitates knowledge flow on holistic and integrated approaches to the development of competitive, inclusive, and green cities to maintain vital economic growth while creating sustainable, resilient, and liveable cities in Asia.


Ensures quality of projects on water supply, sanitation, and water resources management, supports pilot activities and knowledge sharing events, and enhances water partnerships toward the provision of water for all in Asia.