What to Expect at Your Visit

Prior to your visit, one of our specialized nurse practitioners will contact you to discuss your child’s medical records, imaging studies, and any other care that your child has already received. Our team of subspecialists will then review your child’s information and coordinate additional studies that may be necessary prior to your arrival.

On the day of your visit, your child will have the opportunity to meet our entire team of physicians who will examine your child and answer any additional questions that you may have. If necessary, your child will undergo a diagnostic procedure in the operating room the following day. All necessary physicians will conduct the evaluation in the operating room at the same time so that your child will only have to undergo anesthesia once. After the diagnostic procedure, our team of specialists will then meet with you as a group to discuss our findings and offer a treatment plan that is tailored specifically to your child.

E-mail us or call (650) 497-8773 for appointments or more information.