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Home > Environmental Phase II
Phase I Phase II

Map of project area with graphics overlaid on top of it. Click here to link to the Environmental Compliance page. Future Phase

Project Description

The BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project is planned to begin ground level at the Berryessa Extension terminus south of the Berryessa Station in the City of San Jose, descend into an approximately 5-mile-long subway tunnel, continue through downtown San Jose, and terminate at-grade (street level) near the existing Caltrain Station in the City of Santa Clara. 

Two alternatives are proposed for the Project: the No Build Alternative and the Build Alternative. Additional alternatives may be identified during the scoping period.

The No Build Alternative consists of the existing transit and roadway networks and planned and programmed improvements in VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Extension corridor, but does not include an extension of the BART system beyond the Berryessa Station currently under construction.  

The Build Alternative is planned to include three below-ground stations with above-ground facilities, a storage/maintenance facility, and one at-grade station. The four stations are described as the Alum Rock, Downtown San Jose, Diridon, and Santa Clara Stations. The Build Alternative includes the project features described below and as shown in Figure 1. The Alum Rock Station is similar to what was described in the previous Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) but occupies a smaller footprint and includes minor layout changes. Parking would be provided at the Alum Rock Station. The Downtown San Jose Station is also very similar to what was described in the previous EIS, but it includes minor station entrance changes. No parking is proposed for the Downtown San Jose Station.  The Diridon Station is similar to what was described in the previous EIS, but also includes minor layout changes. No parking is proposed at Diridon Station.  A storage/maintenance facility would be located north of I-880. Santa Clara Station is similar to the design described in the previous EIS, but with the following modification: pedestrian access between the station platform and the existing Caltrain Station, previously envisioned as a pedestrian overcrossing, will now be provided by a pedestrian undercrossing. VTA is currently in the process of developing conceptual site plans for all stations. 


The project is intended to achieve the following objectives:
  • Improve public transit service; 
  • Enhance regional connectivity by directly linking high-capacity transit for the San Francisco Bay Area’s three largest urban centers;
  • Increase transit ridership by expanding modal options;
  • Support transportation solutions that will maintain the economic vitality and continuing development of Silicon Valley;
  • Improve mobility options to local and regional employment, education, medical, and retail centers for corridor residents;
  • Enhance the level and quality of transit service to areas of existing and planned affordable housing;
  • Improve regional air quality by reducing the growth in auto congestion and resulting emissions; and
  • Support local and regional land use plans and facilitate corridor cities’ efforts to direct business and residential investments in transit-oriented development.

Associated Needs

  • Continuing Rapid Growth in Travel Demand
  • Increasing Roadway Congestion
  • Congested Roadways and Transit Performance
  • Incomplete Regional Transit Connectivity
  • Limited Commute Options for Workers Traveling to and from Santa Clara County Job Centers
  • Limited Travel Options for Low-Income and Transit-Dependent Populations
  • Worsening Air Quality and Excessive Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Need for Better Land Use Development – Smart Growth




BART Silicon Valley Program Office, 1436 California Circle, Milpitas, CA 95035
Copyright © 2016 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). All rights reserved.