Stanford Hindu Students Council
Stanford Hindu Students Council
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ITA CLASS Karma Yoga takes us on a journey to discover the secret of work. It is a path that oes not require a belief in God or a supernatural entity. A Karma Yogi knows how to use their ork to
realize the highest truths of life, the same truths that others reach through self-inquiry, devotion or meditation. This quarter, please join us as we delve into the brilliant commentary of Swami Vivekananda on Karma Yoga in an interactive discussion format.

Learning Methodology
Each week, we will read through one essay from Swami Vivekananda's book on Karma Yoga. This will be followed by a group discussion. We hope to attract a diverse community of interested learners. People of all ages and faiths are welcome. The intention is to engage in an open-minded discussion on philosophical and spiritual topics through the lens of Karma Yoga. Newer perspectives and different opinions will serve to enrich the discussion. As the learning is group-oriented, your absence will significantly alter the group experience. Most students who have
attended this class before have had very busy schedules and have managed to work around them. Also, please note that Swami Vedananda drives for four hours to be with us every Sunday and he never misses a session.

Class Protocols
We start and end the class with these prayers. You are expected to arrive 10 minutes before the start of the class and settle down. On a rotating basis, students will take the responsibility of cleaning the Yoga room for the class.

Class Blog
The Vivekananda Study Group has merged with this class. We now have a blog where we can post thoughts and comments for group discussion.

Signing Up
1. Send an email to Sandhya Kunnatur, explaining your interest in karma yoga.

2.  Satsangs Please join us for our weekend Satsang 9- 10:00 am, every Sunday, Room 313 old union Every week, our community gets together to do Vedic chanting, meditation, bhajans, reading from the Ramayana (Rajaji's commentary) and arati. Please help us add divinity to our weekends by sharing your presence with us.

3. Free Weekly Yoga Classes

What? Yoga: Asanas (postures) & Pranayama (breathing techniques) Where : 3rd floor , old union sanctuary When: Sundays from 6 to 7 pm Instructor: Shri R.R. Parthasarathy Things to do:

1) Bring your yoga mat Apart from Pranayama, some of the asanas that would be covered are: Arda Pada Uttanasan, Pada Uttanasan, Sarvangasan, Matsyasan, Vathayanasan,
Bhujangasan, Dhanurasan, Salabhasan, Trikonasan, Pada Hastasan Shavasan. About the Instructor: Shri Parthasarathy has been practicing yoga for more than 10 years and teaching it
for upwards of 5. In India he is the director of Yoga International, and has taught classes and given demonstration all over Europe and United States. The first thing he teaches his students to do is the sit erect and then how to breathe correctly. He believes that yoga, particularly breathing (Pranayama) can help relieve stress, and thereby many related ailments. His goal is to help others benefit from all that yoga has to offer in achieving the physical and mental balance in daily life. Why another Yoga class? This Yoga class focuses on breathing and meditation in addition to stretching postures, unlike any other Yoga class at Stanford. The classes are intended to help you relax, concentrate, and promote vigor in daily life. They represent an integral part of Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga, around which this class is structured. Ashtanga (Ashta = Eight, Anga = limb, Ashtanga = Eight-limbed) Yoga is mythologically said to have been originally propounded by Hiranyagarbha Itself. The great sage Patanjali first formalized this science systematically in his Yoga Sutras. Ashtanga Yoga is also known as Patanjali Yoga. This Yoga represents one of the four paths towards realization, the other three being Gyana (Self-Inquiry), Karma (Action), and Bhakti (Devotion). The eight limbs of the Ashtanga are as follows:

(1) Yama- Ethical conduct,
(2) Niyama - Purification, internal and external,
(3) Asana - Postures,
(4) Pranayama - Control of Prana, the source of all energy,
(5) Pratyahara- Control of the senses
(6) Dharana - Concentration of the mind,
(7) Dhyana - Meditation,
(8) Samadhi - Experience of Realization
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