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Faculty members

Dee, Thomas S.

Thomas Dee
Thomas Dee
Academic Title 
Other Titles 

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

Contact Information
(650) 723-6847
(650) 723-9931
CE 514
Program Affiliations 
SHIPS (PhD): Economics of Education
SHIPS (PhD): Educational Policy
Applied Econometrics
Applied Statistics in Educational Research
Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Research
Economics of Education
Educational Policy
Educational Research in Student Testing and Large-Scale Assessment
Equity and Poverty
High-stakes Testing
Policy Analysis and Implementation
School and District Reform
School Finance
School Finance Reform
State and Federal Education Policy
Teacher Labor Markets
Teachers and Teachers' Unions

EDUC 255B Causal Inference in Quantitative Educational and Social Science Research

EDUC 339 Quantitative Policy Analysis (Workshop)

"Teacher Turnover, Teacher Quality, and Student Achievement," with Melinda Adnot, Veronica Katz, and James Wyckoff, NBER Working Paper No. 21922, January 2016.

"The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance: Evidence from an Ethnic Studies Curriculum," with Emily Penner, NBER Working Paper No. 21865, January 2016.

"The Gift of Time? School Starting Age and Mental Health,” with Hans Henrik Sievertsen, NBER Working Paper No. 21610, October 2015.

Incentives, Selection, and Teacher Performance: Evidence from IMPACT,” with James Wyckoff, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 34 (2), Spring 2015, 267–297. ***Winner of the 2015 Raymond Vernon Memorial Award.

Social Identity and Achievement Gaps: Evidence from an Affirmation Intervention,” Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness (8) 2, 2015, 149-168.

Stereotype Threat and the Student-Athlete,” Economic Inquiry 52(1), January 2014, 173-182.

“Do Parental Involvement Laws Deter Risky Teen Sex?” with Silvie Colman and Ted Joyce, Journal of Health Economics 32(5), September 2013, 873-880.

“When a Nudge isn’t Enough: Defaults and Saving among Low-Income Tax Filers,” with Erin Bronchetti, David Huffman, and Ellen Magenheim, National Tax Journal 66(3), September 2013, 609-634.

“The Effects of NCLB on School Resources and Practices,” with Brian Jacob and Nathaniel Schwartz Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 35(2), June 2013, pp. 252 - 288.

“Rational Ignorance in Education: A Field Experiment in Student Plagiarism,” with Brian Jacob, Journal of Human Resources 47(2), Spring 2012: 397-434. 

“Conditional Cash Penalties in Education: Evidence from the Learnfare Experiment,” Economics of Education Review 30(5), October 2011, 924-937.

“The Impact of the No Child Left Behind Act on Student Achievement,” with Brian Jacob, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 30(3), Summer 2011, 418-446.

“The Non-cognitive Returns to Class Size,” with Martin West, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 33(1), March 2011, 23-46.