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Human Biology Major Requirements

The Core(30 Units)

  • Core sequences (2A/B, 3A/B, 4A/B) introduce the biological and social sciences, and the relationship between them
  • Students should begin the Core in Autumn Quarter of sophomore year
  • Freshmen not permitted to enroll
  • Majors (and Minors) must earn a minimum LETTER grade of C-

Foundation(20-25 Units)

  • Chosen as a basis for and to give breadth to Area of Concentration
  • May include introductory-level courses, lab courses, and practica
  • May include a maximum of 10 premed units (chemistry, physics, and calculus series and biology labs)
  • A minimum of C- is required if taken for a letter grade (may be taken for S/NC)
  • May include a maximum of 10 units transferred from another institution

Area of Concentration(20-25 Units)

  • Minimum of 5 courses
  • Chosen for depth of knowledge in a particular HumBio topic
  • Theory-based and upper-level (non-introductory and normally numbered over 100)
  • 3 or more departments must be represented
  • Each course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units
  • A minimum LETTER grade of C- is required for each course
  • May include a maximum of 6 units transferred from another institution

Upper Division(9-15 Units)

  • 3 HumBio upper-division courses numbered 100 to 189
  • May include “Cognate Courses” in the HumBio section of the Stanford Bulletin
  • Courses must be taken for a minimum of 3 units
  • A minimum LETTER grade of C- is required for each course (1 course may be taken for S/NC)
  • 1 course may be cross-listed with the Area of Concentration if the Area of Concentration is at 18 units before the cross-listing
  • No units may be transferred in

Statistics(3-5 Units)

  • May be selected from courses such as: HUMBIO 85A, HUMBIO 88, HUMBIO 89, CS 109, ECON 102A, EDUC 200C, HRP 259, SOC 181B, STATS 141 (BIOSCI 141)
  • STATS 60 (or a course equivalent transferred from another institution) may not count for students declaring as of Autumn Quarter 2015
  • Must be taken for a LETTER grade; a minimum C- is required.

Internship(4 Units)

IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Internship Requirement for the Human Biology major will be changing in the near future. Students who declare the major in spring quarter of the 2015-2016 academic year will instead fulfill a “Capstone” requirement, the details of which will be posted on our website by the start of spring quarter. The final quarter to give an internship poster presentation will be autumn quarter of the 2016-2017 academic year.

  • Individual field experience project of 120 hours minimum
  • Internship is undertaken after students declare and complete the Core
  • Units of credit may be applied between 2 quarters
  • Internship does not have to be completed in the quarter(s) the units are applied
  • Graded S/NC only

Total Units(84-104 Units)