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Hannah Kay

Hannah Kay


Hi HumBio! My name is Hannah, and I’m a senior from a small town called Lincolnshire, IL. I’m pumped to be a Student Advisor and get to know some of the coolest people on campus. I’ve always been interested in chronic diseases and how families and individuals deal with these diseases over the course of a lifetime – but I’ve learned that this process can look completely different from culture to culture. My Area of Concentration is Cross Cultural Studies of Chronic Diseases, which has led me to take all sorts of classes on cancer, global health, cross cultural medicine, and psychology, as well as work as a research assistant to a pediatric oncologist at LPCH. I also spent a summer working in a rural community of St. Lucia, South Africa, helping lead women’s support groups and HIV education classes (my HumBio internship!). My dream is to become a doctor (TBD which type), so if you have pre-med questions, feel free to ask me anything! Outside of HumBio, I am the CM in Casa Italiana this year, am on Dance Marathon Exec, played Club Volleyball for a couple years, was an RA in Burbank last year, and volunteer with an organization called Young Life. I also enjoy binge-watching ‘Gilmore Girls’, backpacking, taking unnecessary naps, and eating really good food. Come stop by the SA office and hang with me, I can’t wait to meet all of you!