Stanford University
IRACDA Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award

Program Overview

The Stanford-San José State University IRACDA Program supports postdoctoral scholars in the biosciences who have a demonstrated interest in teaching, research, and supporting diversity in the STEM fields. IRACDA scholars are mentored  in top-level research at Stanford while also receiveing training in pedagogy, teaching, and mentoring and gaining experience in  teaching and mentoring at San José State University (SJSU).  The program is sponsored through the Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA), supported by the division of NIGMS at NIH.

The goals of this program are threefold:

  • to support postdoctoral scientists with an interest in teaching underrepresented minority students by providing specific skills and career development resources;
  • to facilitate links between Stanford and San José State University through collaborations in research, training, and mentoring;
  • to mentor students representing historically underrepresented populations in the sciences to encourage them to consider scientific careers.

Some of the departments participating in the IRACDA Program are:


Contact Us

John Boothroyd, Ph.D.
Stanford University

Brandon White, PhD

Program Manager:
Robin Colomb Sugiura
Stanford University
rsugiura (at)

Program Application
  • »The Stanford-SJSU IRACDA Program is now accepting applications for the 2015-16 cohort.
  • More »


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