IT Services, Stanford University
bioaims-all Info Page

bioaims-all --


About bioaims-all
English (USA)

BioAIMS (Biomedical Association for the Interest of Minority Students) seeks to provide a welcoming environment and a platform from which graduate students of multiple backgrounds and identities can share their unique perspectives and experiences.

We work to promote student diversity at Stanford with particular emphasis on the recruitment, retention and well-being of underrepresented minorities (URMs) in the sciences. We welcome and encourage all allies who support diversity to join our association as well.

BioAIMS collaborates with multiple offices on the Stanford campus to provide a strong support network for our members, and to facilitate their access to resources geared towards their academic and professional development.

The owner of this list can be contacted at:

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the bioaims-all Archives. (The current archive is only available to the list members.)

Using bioaims-all
To post a message to all the list members, send email to

You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing subscription, in the sections below.

Subscribing to bioaims-all

Subscribe to bioaims-all by filling out the following form. This is a closed list, which means your subscription will be held for approval. You will be notified of the list moderator's decision by email. This is also a private list, which means that the list of members is not available to non-members.

    Your email address:  
    Your name (optional):  
    Which language do you prefer to display your messages? English (USA)  
    Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest? No Yes
bioaims-all Subscribers
(The subscribers list is only available to the list members.)

Enter your address and password to visit the subscribers list:

Address: Password: (for address only )   

To unsubscribe from bioaims-all, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options enter your subscription email address:

If you leave the field blank, you will be prompted for your email address

bioaims-all list run by ljsteele at, mirandas at, mariav at, agmendoz at, ilanazs at, c7patel at
bioaims-all administrative interface (requires authorization)
Overview of all mailing lists