Consultation Service

The Stanford Center for Clinical Informatics offers a free confidential consultation service to Stanford University Medical Center researchers on topics related to data privacy & security, clinical data access for research purposes, research data management, biospecimen data management, research alerting and general informatics issues. Center consultants will review the clinical data needs of your research project, provide advice on requesting IRB approval to obtain clinical data from STRIDE and discuss options for clinical data abstraction, reporting and storage to meet your research needs.

We encourage researchers to contact us as early as possible in the design phase of a research project and preferably well in advance of IRB submission. If the scope of the project exceeds two hours of our time, funding may be required to complete the project.

Interested in clinical data for research?

Have a question about REDCap?

Cost and Credit

Inquiries and consultations on new research projects are always offered free of charge to Stanford community researchers. In general, we will provide up to 4 hours of labor working on a project before we need to discus setting up a payment plan. When payment is required, you will be responsible for covering the employees salary on an hourly basis for the time spent working on your project.

We ask that all research related to your consultation include appropriate citations to the resources used. Please see our citation information for details.

Attestation Forms

Before provisioning either data review cohorts for online review or delivering data extracted from the clinical record for research purposes we require the researcher complete an online attestation form.