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Claimed Profile Features

  • Tell Your Story

    Give prospective clients a personalized overview of your practice by adding custom text about who you are and what you do

  • Highlight Services & Specialities

    Differentiate your practice by highlighting your services and adding specific client types you specialize in

  • Improve Your Profile’s SEO Ranking

    Increase your chances of being discovered through an online search by creating a more robust profile

  • Update Contact Information

    Make sure clients know how to connect with you by adding a phone number, social media links, and other relevant contact details

  • Ensure Accuracy & Credibility

    Verify the data on your profile is correct and up-to-date

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Claim Your Profile in Minutes

Step One: View Your Profile

Find your U.S. News profile by searching for your name or CRD number.

Step Two: Complete Profile Form

Fill out a simple form to edit your contact information and customize your profile. Add social media links, custom text, and more.

Step Three: Review Your Claimed Profile

We’ll review your information and send you a confirmation email when your newly claimed U.S. News profile is ready to view.