latest Salaries and Benefits advice

Salaries and Benefits

What Workers Should Know About Proposed Overtime Rule Changes

New overtime law policies could alter who counts as an exempt employee and a non-exempt employee.

Salaries and Benefits

How to Combat Wage Theft

Employers are more likely to violate pay rights of immigrants and other vulnerable workers.

Wealth of Knowledge Podcast

Bridging the Gap With LinkedIn’s Rosanna Durruthy

Achieving equal representation for women, minorities and other underrepresented groups in corporate America.

Salaries and Benefits

Discover the Best Health Care Jobs

These careers in the medical field have strong salaries and high demand for workers.

Salaries and Benefits

Companies Lure Workers With (Nearly) Free College Tuition

Free education is a trendy benefit among big employers hoping to attract ambitious employees.

Salaries and Benefits

Where Is the Wage Growth?

Economists explain why the recovery from the Great Recession hasn't registered in many workers' paychecks.

Salaries and Benefits

Great Jobs for Animal Lovers

These jobs working with animals require patience with people, not just pets.

Salaries and Benefits

What to Know When Your Salary Includes Stocks

Minimize risk and maximize profit with these expert strategies for negotiating equity.