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DormGov Positions

Photograph of a 'Tea at Taper' event at Crothers Hall.

DormGov positions and functions vary by house, but here are a few examples to give you a sense of what they entail.

  • Dorm President -  Works to build the community and implement programs and initiatives to keep it a great place to live. The president, sometimes co-presidents, facilitate House Meetings and DormGov meetings (including setting the agenda, keeping order, and preparing speakers).
  • Treasurer - Works with the staff to determine a quarterly budget for DormGov, process reimbursements, maintain the books for the house, and keeps the house checkbook.
  • Frosh Council Representative - Represent frosh houses on Frosh Council, which entails attending weekly frosh council meetings to plan class events, getting insight from residents about Frosh Council plans, and sharing Frosh Council plans and updates with the house.
  • Frosh Service Liason - Involves the dorm in public service discourse and represents the Haas Center and public service opportunities at Stanford. Attends monthly meetings with all other FSAs throughout the year.
  • Green Living Coordinator - Works with the Green Living Council and attends their weekly meetings. Educates residents about options and opportunities to promote more sustainable lifestyles and reduce waste.
  • Scribe -Takes notes during House Meeting and distributes them to the dorm. Communicates information from DormGov to the rest of the house, sometimes involving a House newsletter. Creativity encouraged!
  • Floor Representative/House Representative/Group Representative - Some of are larger communities work to identify students that can represent the interests of the sub-units within the house. This can sometimes be divided up by floor, or by population (Upperclass Representative in 4-Class Houses, for example).

Unique DormGov Positions

 Many houses create unofficial positions  to help speak to the unquie goal and character of their community. These positions participate and are elected like any other DormGov role but are specific to a particular residence/ Some examples of these positions are listed below. For more information on what roles are available in your residence speak to your local house staff.

  • Sun God, Birthday Fairy, House Godparent - Keeps track of important happenings in the lives of residents including birthdays, special accomplishments like successful election to a position, or admission to a program, or participation in unique programs, games or talent shows. They work to recognize people on those days important things are happening (with signs, phone calls, announcements or other means) and may organize other residents (i.e. Sunshine Mafia) to assist (e.g., rally people to to go to a performance/game/meet and cheer on their fellow housemates).
  • IntraMural Sports Representative - keeps up with various IM sports opportunities and events throughout the year, recruits and organizes house IM teams, and coordinates with the Treasurer to ensure entry fees are paid on time.
  • Vampire - keeps up with campus coordination of Stanford Blood Center blood drives to encourage participation from residents, sometimes organizes a blood drive just for house, in coordination with DormGov or other residents.