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Faculty Rights

Right to Verification of Disability

  • Request verification of a student’s eligibility for requested accommodations in the form of an Accommodation Letter prepared by professional staff at the OAE and delivered by the student, either in person or through e-mail.
  • If a student does not request accommodations and provide an Accommodation Letter from the OAE, faculty are not obligated to provide accommodations.
  • The OAE is the only office designated to review disability documentation and determine eligibility for appropriate accommodations.  Faculty should not solicit or review a student’s documentation, or seek to arrange accommodations directly with the student.

Right to Student Initiation of Accommodations

  • Expect the student to initiate accommodations requests in a timely manner.
  • Expect the student to provide prompt notification of changes to approved accommodations.
  • Collaborate with the student and professional staff regarding recommended accommodations.

Right to Maintain Academic and Program Standards

  • Uphold academic standards and the integrity of courses and academic programs.
  • Uphold conduct and technical standards of a course or program of study.
  • Deny an accommodation request if it compromises the essential requirements of a course or program.