Tutoring in the Dorms

Dorm Tutoring Locations

In Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, we offer Math, Physics, and Writing Tutoring for any subject or project Sunday through Thursday evenings  in the following four dorms:

  • Stern Dining, North side
  • Wilbur Dining, Northwest (Trancos) side
  • Lakeside Dining in Lagunita
  • Ricker Dining in Governor's Corner, the Green Room (to the left of the main dining entrance)


Starting in Week 2 of the quarter, tutoring in the dorms will be offered Sunday through Thursday evenings starting at about 8:00 p.m. Schedules vary by location.

  • To see the schedules for VPTL's dorm tutoring and other subject tutoring locations, Cubberley (School of Education) and Sweet Hall, visit  VPTL Tutoring Drop-In Schedule
  • To see the schedules for Hume Center's (writing) dorm tutoring and other tutoring (on the Quad in Building 250), as well as oral communication tutoring, visit  Hume Center Drop-in Tutoring
  • You can also get foreign language conversation practice with CTL's conversation partners in 9 languages. Book an appointment at  VPTL Language Practice Appointments


Locations are circled in blue in the maps below. Tutoring in the Dorms is just a part of all the tutoring we have for you on campus. Visit tutoring.stanford.edu to see more options.

East Campus

Map showing Stern and Wilbur dorm complexes

West Campus

Map showing Governor's Corner and Lagunita dorm complexes