Winter On-Campus Oral Placement Test

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 2015-2016 Schedule

Oral Placement tests for winter quarter are held during week 6 of fall quarter.

Oral placement tests for winter quarter enrollment will be held at 5:15pm on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 for the following languages:

  • CHINESE: Littlefield 103
  • FRENCH: Building 200, Rm. 305
  • GERMAN: Building 260, Rm. 011
  • ITALIAN: Building 260, Room 302J
  • JAPANESE: Littlefield 107
  • SPANISH: Building 260, Rm. 113
  • SPANISH for Home Background Speakers: Building 30, Rm. 102

You must take the online written placement test before you take the oral test.

You do not need to sign up for the oral test in advance. 

Oral tests begin PROMPTLY at 5:15pm.

Bring your Stanford ID card to the test.

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