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    We'd like to share a few thoughts with the new President-Elect, .

  2. BREAKING: Army Corps of Engineers denies final permit for Dakota Access pipeline. Great news, but we still must remain vigilant.

  3. Breakfast? Snack? Dessert? There's no wrong answer. Chocolate Cherry Garcia Swirl Buns recipe here >

  4. Have an ice cream lover on your gift shopping list? Here are 4 pretty sweet gift ideas >>

  5. How many of these thoughts did you have when you tried our flavors for the first time?

  6. Do you know what causes brain freeze? Here are the coolest facts about freezing that we’ve learned along the way >>

  7. Having a problem with roommates pilfering your pint of ice cream? 11 ways to hide it so they'll never find it >>

  8. join us tonight, Nov. 30 along w/ & at Lincoln Hall. Details here:

  9. Happy to join and 300+ corps in supporting the and removing unneeded barriers to employment

  10. The easiest, most delicious-est treat you'll try all week: the Ben & Jerry's Snickerdoodle Sammy >>

  11. 12 totally wild things that you never knew could be an ice cream sandwich >>

  12. Our human rights should not be dependent on where we live. What we should be doing about the global >

  13. performed a concert in D.C. last night w/ members of the Sioux Tribe.

    Dave Matthew Stands With Standing Rock
  14. Think you know everything about Cherry Garcia? Test your knowledge with these 11 fun facts >>

  15. Are you worried about pint pillaging? Here are 11 genius ways to hide a pint from your family and friends >>

  16. We all must . Watch the livestream of tonight's benefit concert at

  17. 1 hour until the benefit concert. We're sponsoring the livestream on . Watch:

  18. Come with me or go alone...as we shine a spotlight on the past, present, and future of Cherry Garcia.

  19. Rock out with Chocolate Cherry Garcia! We have 3 that take this limited batch rockstar to the next level >>

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