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(Brook Mitchell/AP)


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(Brook Mitchell/AP)

Overview of Iran

Middle East
GDP Per Capita, PPP
$258 billion
1,648,195 SQ.KM

Overview of Iran

Iran, once the heart of the great Persian Empire, sits in southwestern Asia, bordered to its east by Afghanistan and to its west by Iraq. Iran has one of the largest economies in the Middle East and one of the largest populations, with about 80 million people. While Iran experienced secular reforms and a glimpse of democracy in the mid-20th century, today it is governed by an authoritarian regime.

Iran can trace its history back 2,500 years to the time of the Achaemenids. The country has long been of interest to global powers because of its strategic location within the Middle East and its abundant supply of oil and other natural resources. The modern state of Iran was founded in 1925. After several western-backed attempts to control Iran’s leadership, the country became an Islamic Republic in 1979.

Iran is a theocratic republic with a supreme leader appointed for life by the Assembly of Experts and a president elected by popular vote. In the May 2017 presidential election, incumbent Hassan Rouhani, a moderate conservative, handily beat hardline challenger Ebrahim Raisi. The vast majority of Iranians are Shiite Muslim, which is the official state religion. Persian, or Farsi, is the official language.


Iran's economy relies primarily on oil and gas exports – the country holds about 10 percent of the world’s oil reserves – but it also has significant agricultural, industrial and service sectors. International sanctions imposed over Iran's nuclear program were lifted by the United Nations in 2016 for satisfactory compliance with an agreement to limit nuclear activity, but a history of isolation has badly hurt the economy. Inflation and high unemployment remain large concerns.

Iranian culture has been shaped by the country’s literature. The works of Persian poets Ḥāfeẓ, Rūmī and others often have a place on Iranian shelves, inspiring the country’s modern writers. Iran has also gained international acclaim for its film industry, fine carpets and architecturally significant mosques, madrassas, shrines and palaces.

In addition to economic challenges, Iran has problems with sex trafficking, opiate addiction and corruption. Iran has difficult relationships with several neighbors over territorial disputes and has drawn the ire of many global leaders for its involvement in state sponsored terrorism.

Iran is a founding member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and is a member several other international organizations, including the United Nations.

Iran's economy relies primarily on oil and gas exports – the country holds about 10 percent of the world’s oil reserves – but it also has significant agricultural, industrial and service sectors. International sanctions imposed over Iran's nuclear program were lifted by the United Nations in 2016 for satisfactory compliance with an agreement to limit nuclear activity, but a history of isolation has badly hurt the economy. Inflation and high unemployment remain large concerns.

Iranian culture has been shaped by the country’s literature. The works of Persian poets Ḥāfeẓ, Rūmī and others often have a place on Iranian shelves, inspiring the country’s modern writers. Iran has also gained international acclaim for its film industry, fine carpets and architecturally significant mosques, madrassas, shrines and palaces.

In addition to economic challenges, Iran has problems with sex trafficking, opiate addiction and corruption. Iran has difficult relationships with several neighbors over territorial disputes and has drawn the ire of many global leaders for its involvement in state sponsored terrorism.

Iran is a founding member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and is a member several other international organizations, including the United Nations.

Iran in Photos

A tourist enjoying a quiet moment in Nas?r al-Mulk Mosque, Shiraz.  Th exterior of the mosque was completed in1888. The Mosque is famous for the early morning light cast through its ornate stained glass windows.
Photographer Brook Mitchell's journey behind Iran's black curtain, Iran, Feb 2015