
The Latest

NASA: Jupiter's Jet Streams Run Deep

Scientists now have a deeper understanding of Jupiter's stripes, first documented 400 years ago.

Katelyn Newman March 8, 2018

Best Countries for Women in Science

These are the places outside the U.S. that have the most women researchers.

Sintia Radu March 7, 2018

Tariff Relief Possible for Mexico, Canada

Other countries could also get exemptions on a ‘case-by-case’ basis, Sanders said.

Gabrielle Levy March 7, 2018

Recalling the Guatemala Orphanage Fire

One year after more than 40 girls died in a fire at a state-run shelter on the outskirts of Guatemala City, the wounds remain fresh.

March 7, 2018

Koreas Agree to Summit

The north is also willing to suspend nuclear and missile tests if the U.S. agrees to talks.

Alexa Lardieri March 6, 2018

Ryan Blasts Trump Tariff Proposal

The speaker joins a growing chorus of opposition from within the president’s party to his plan to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum.

Gabrielle Levy March 5, 2018

North and South Korean Officials Meet

South Korean delegates are making the trip in an attempt to negotiate a peaceful solution to Kim’s weapons program.

Alexa Lardieri March 5, 2018

Trump Tariffs Draw Counterthreats

The tariffs are hurting U.S. allies and the global economy, foreign leaders warn.

Katelyn Newman March 2, 2018

Netanyahu Questioned in Corruption Case

As of Friday, Israel's prime minister been questioned by the police eight times in the past 14 months.

Katelyn Newman March 2, 2018



Job Growth Explodes in February
Construction additions helped propel the labor market forward in February, according to a new report.

National News

The Obamas' Netflix Move
Barack Obama is reportedly in talks with Netflix.


Russia, U.K. Military Join Spy Attack Inquiry
Personnel in hazmat suits work to secure a tent covering a bench in the Maltings shopping center in Salisbury, England, on Thursday, March 8, 2018, where former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found critically ill by exposure to a nerve agent on Sunday.

Healthcare of Tomorrow

Oregon Medical Students Face Tough Test
Oregon Health & Science University fourth-year medical student Sophia Hayes, right, speaks with Dr. Susan Tolle, director of the OHSU Center for Ethics in Health Care, about her exam in compassionate communication.

The Report

Let the Games Begin
Rep. Beto O'Rourke is seen on a television during a Democratic watch party following the Texas primary election on March 6, 2018, in Austin, Texas.