Best Countries

Articles and analysis covering the world stage...READ MORE
Articles and analysis covering the world stage

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Democracy Worries in Australia, the U.K.

New research survey indicates dissatisfaction with democracy among British and Australian citizens.

How Countries Are Vaccinating For COVID

A regularly updated examination on how countries are rolling out vaccination programs.

Public Violence Against Women Increasing

A ‘shadow pandemic’ of violence against women is affecting their participation in public life, and physical and mental health, a study finds.

Study: U.S. Democracy ‘Backsliding’

Signals of regression in the U.S. began in 2016, and is part of a global retreat in the health of democracies, a Swedish group says.

How Fast Fashion Clogs the Global South

The U.S. far outpaces other countries in sending used clothing to Africa and Asia – with adverse environmental consequences.

Weighing Holocaust Knowledge in the U.K.

A newly released survey shows a majority of British citizens say an atrocity on the scale of the Holocaust could happen again.

The U.K. Faces Shortages of Labor, Goods

The country’s Brexit divorce from Europe is amplifying a shortage of workers and basic goods.

Airports Producing the Most Emissions

Data shows airports across three continents are producing the most emissions from air travel.

Why Allies Have Mixed Views of America

A survey of 16 countries finds favorable views of America’s technology but negative views of its race relations, health care and health of its democracy.