Italy’s Education Ministry rolls out TED-Ed Clubs nationally


Italy’s Education Ministry rolls out TED-Ed Clubs nationally


TED-Ed Clubs are about to get a lot of visibility in Italian high schools. On Thursday, March 3, in Rome, the Italian Minister of Education, University and Research, Stefania Giannini, and the European Director of TED, Bruno Giussani, signed a 3-year memorandum of understanding on cooperation regarding the spread of the TED-Ed Clubs curriculum across Italian high []

The TED2016 film festival: Conference shorts

Live from TED2016

The TED2016 film festival: Conference shorts


Thought-provoking, silly and sometimes somber, the interstitials shown at TED2016 provide a needed moment for a breath between talks. The videos are meant to “light up different parts of the brain,” says Anyssa Samari, who scours the internet year-round alongside Jonathan Wells to curate this kindling that keeps the intellectual fires burning. “They create balance.” []

Wake up! Invigorating talks from Session 12 of TED2016

Live from TED2016

Wake up! Invigorating talks from Session 12 of TED2016

In the final session of TED2016, the themes we’ve been talking about all week — the progress of society, the measure of personal success, the importance of the environment — snap into focus. From the prime minister of the “world’s happiest country” to a pair of speakers who challenge the traditional American Dream, it’s a session that will inspire, make you question []

The best words of TED2016

Live from TED2016

The best words of TED2016


If words could dream, they’d dream of being used in TED Talks. These words lived the dream in Vancouver at TED2016. Precrastinator. Adam Grant explained that a precrastinator is someone who hurries to complete work and cross things off to-do lists. You might be interested to know that the crastin part of precrastinator comes from []

Fantasists and catalysts: The wonder-filled talks in Session 11 of TED2016

Live from TED2016

Fantasists and catalysts: The wonder-filled talks in Session 11 of TED2016

This session is dedicated to those who weave fantasies and force change. From a speaker on the cusp of virtual reality storytelling to a playwright who appears as a hologram, many surprises are in store. Recaps of the talks in Session 11, in chronological order. The last storytelling medium? Chris Milk’s story begins with music, the []

Chris Milk hosts the “largest collective virtual reality viewing in history” during TED2016

Live from TED2016

Chris Milk hosts the “largest collective virtual reality viewing in history” during TED2016


“You’re about to participate in the largest collective VR viewing in history,” said Chris Milk in his talk on virtual reality at TED2016. “We are all going to watch something at the exact same time, together.” A Google Cardboard and pair of Urban Ears headphones sat on every chair in the theater. We assembled the viewer, downloaded a special []

The dreams that define us: The global talks in Session 10 of TED2016

Live from TED2016

The dreams that define us: The global talks in Session 10 of TED2016

Host Gerry Garbulsky has a feeling that this may be the session with “the most heavy accents” in TED history. The organizer of TEDxRiodelaPlata in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Garbulsky curated each speaker in his session because they’ve given a TEDx talk he loved. With speakers from Botswana, Brazil and Hungary, these ideas are truly without borders. Recaps of []