


CineFix is the ultimate destination for true movie buffs and filmmakers on YouTube.


The trailer for Brad Pitt's long awaited big budget zombie flick 'World War Z' is up on CineFix now.

The first still from ALL YOU NEED IS KILL, featuring mechaCruise running from a fireball. Behold! Mecha-Tom Cruise!

Will you go see this? RT : ‘Jurassic Park’ 3D Re-Release Trailer: Post-Converted 3D Will Not Be Contained

JURASSIC PARK 3D Gets A New Poster And Release Date. And a new trailer tomorrow!

New YouTube channel is devoted to those who obsess over films as well as those who make them

Happy Election Day! To help you celebrate (other than by voting) we've put together a list of the Best Political Films:

I'm bartending for these guys as they review Skyfall and discuss who is the best James Bond.

Want to be 1st in line for the new movie? You'll need to deal w/ trials & tribulations of being a :

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