• Blog Post

    Money's Laws of Motion

    by Scott Ferguson
    MMT and Marxism share histories and methods but diverge at the level of ontology. Critical humanists must reckon with this cleavage in order to help forge a more just and prosperous future. more
  • Blog Post

    Black Odysseus: An Elegy

    by Gregory Jusdanis
    In memory of a talented young teacher and rapper, Nes Wordz, featuring an excerpt from his rendition of the Homeric encounter between Odysseus and Polyphemus. more
  • Colloquy

    Postcolonial Spatialities

    by Ato Quayson
    On one reading postcolonial studies seem to be riveted more firmly on temporal as opposed to spatial questions. This may be traced partly to the effect of the temporalizing "post-" in the term postcolonialism, which has allowed an insistence on various dates as inaugurating the epochal postcolonial relation.  more
  • Colloquy

    Imagining the Oceans

    by Margaret Cohen
    The oceans cover three-quarters of the globe. They sustain life on land and shape societies across history and culture. The ocean environment at the same time is forbidding and remote, hostile to... more
  • Blog Post

    How this ends

    by Eleanor Courtemanche
    All good things must come to an end, right? As we imagine the possible end of Trump's presidency, consider these scenarios that are about as unlikely as President Trump seemed this time last year. more
  • Colloquy

    Shakespeare and Cervantes 1616-2016

    by Roland Greene
    An early modern transatlantic world in which information moved slowly could hardly have noticed the date, but 401 years later it registers for us: on April 23, 1616 in the Julian and the Gregorian... more
  • Blog Post

    Education in the Age of AI

    by Kathryn Hume
    Primitive hunter-gatherers, given the broad range of tasks they had to carry out to survive, have a skill set more immune to the “cognitive” smarts of new AI technologies than a highly educated, highly specialized service worker! This reveals something about both the nature of AI and the nature of the division of labor in contemporary capitalism. It helps us understand that AI systems are best viewed as idiot savants, not Renaissance Men. more
  • Colloquy

    Tropicalismo Fifty Years Later

    by Christopher Dunn
    Tropicália is the name of a cultural moment in late 1960s Brazil that was manifest in nearly all realms of artistic production, especially in popular music, but also the visual arts, theater, film... more
  • Blog Post

    The Neologismcene

    by Steve Mentz
    The Anthropocene accounts for a vast swath of human and natural history, but there are limits to its scope encouraging the proliferation of numerous other 'cenes. From the Chthulucene to the Anglocene, these terms explain our ecological present from a myriad of different perspectives. more

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Recent Multimedia

  • no image
    by Patrick Trefz
    Margaret Cohen, Anne Higonnet, and Jim Denevan discuss representations of the ocean in painting, sculpture, photography, and film.
  • no image
    by Melissa Langer and Catharine Axley
    The ocean is not just one thing. How have we imagined the oceans? How have we represented them? Margaret Cohen and Anne Higonnet reflect on these questions.
  • no image
    by Caetano Veloso
    The singer and songwriter is interviewed by Marjorie Perloff at the 2016 Modern Language Association Convention in Austin. He discusses his early encounters with American music, how he views his...


Recent Blogs

MMT and Marxism share histories and methods but diverge at the level of ontology. Critical humanists must reckon with this cleavage in order to help forge a more just and prosperous future.
In memory of a talented young teacher and rapper, Nes Wordz, featuring an excerpt from his rendition of the Homeric encounter between Odysseus and Polyphemus.
Nostalgia is our reaction to rapid social change. It expresses our desire to return to a time we imagine as happier and more innocent. Cavafy’s cosmopolitanism was an ideal we cannot recreate. But neither should we dismiss it, as many are want to do, because of its imperfections and injustices.
All good things must come to an end, right? As we imagine the possible end of Trump's presidency, consider these scenarios that are about as unlikely as President Trump seemed this time last year.
How was Aristotelian theory (of nature, of the state, and of society) debated and implemented by the Spanish in the New World? Understanding this tradition and its impact gives a new perspective on Spanish Colonialism in the Americas.