
All good things must come to an end, right? As we imagine the possible end of Trump's presidency, consider these scenarios that are about as unlikely as President Trump seemed this time last year. 


Assessing the benefits and pitfalls of historicizing, romanticizing or ignoring the past when imagining the future. 


Cultural studies has turned out to be, in retrospect, a weirdly thorough success that is influencing the creation and reception of culture everywhere in the world, especially outside the academy.


The glamour of servitude in today's gilded age of privilege and celebrity worship.  


Is it time to revive Epicureanism, perhaps as academic practice? 


Fallible, stupid, and yet joyful, comedy is a very human magic lately much on our minds. 


Did the violent history of European exploration culminate in greater freedom or bland decadence?


American Dreams in China (2013) is a Chinese film about upward mobility that will feel familiar to most Americans.


How important is Katniss Everdeen, really, to the uprising in Panem? Would she count as a “world-historical figure,” according to Georg Lukács?


It's hard to watch Sofia Coppola's 2013 The Bling Ring, which came out on DVD about a month ago, without feeling like you're at the end of a chain of recycled celebrity worship.

Eleanor Courtemanche
Associate Professor of English, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Eleanor Courtemanche teaches Victorian literature and economic thought at the University of Illinois, with occasional digressions into pop culture and media theory. Her book about Adam Smith's "invisible hand" and the construction of moral outcomes in complex Victorian novels was published in 2011. Here's her faculty webpage: http://www.english.illinois.edu/people/ecourtem.


The 'Invisible Hand' and British Fiction, 1818-1860: Adam Smith, Political Economy, and the Genre of Realism
Palgrave | 2011