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National Biocomputation Center
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National Biocomputation Center
Advanced Technology in Medicine

Surgical Planning and Simulation
Augmented Reality for Surgery
Wireless Telemedicine

Surgical Planning

Using Virtual Reality
to plan surgeries
for better outcomes,
and decreased risk to the patient

Simulation and

Better Surgical Outcomes

Stephen Schendel MD DDS


Intraoperative Surgical Assistance

Graduate Student Guillaume Thonier


Lifeguard personal monitoring device


National BiocomputATION Center

The National Biocomputation Center was founded in 1998 as a joint collaboration between the NASA Ames Research Center and the Stanford University School of Medicine.

The mission of the Center is to lead a national effort in developing and applying 3D imaging and visualization technologies for biomedical and educational purposes in support of the NASA mission for the human exploration and development of space.

We develop advanced technologies for computer-based surgical planning, computer-based surgical simulation, augmented reality for surgical applications, databases of human anatomy, and wireless telemedicine.

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