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Honors Program in International Security Studies


Photo credit: 
Department of Defense



The CISAC Interschool Honors Program in International Security Studies provides an opportunity for seniors from all undergraduate schools and majors who have strong academic records and interest in international security to receive Honors in International Security Studies. Students are admitted to the program on a competitive basis during winter quarter of junior year. Two courses are prerequisites for admission: PS 114S (International Security in a Changing World) and MS&E 193 (Technology and National Security). The award of Honors is in addition to the student's major, which may be in any department or program. Honors students meet in a weekly seminar all year and write a thesis that makes a substantive contribution to the field of international security.  The CISAC Honors Program has drawn students from 28 different major departments and programs since its inception in 2000 and has an alumni network of 191 students through the class of 2017. Alumni consistently cite multiple strengths of the program, including inclusion of undergraduates in CISAC's vibrant intellectual environment, highly personalized attention from faculty, the program's unique focus within the university and beyond, and the program's interdisciplinary character. The program is currently co-directed by Dr. Amy Zegart and Dr. Coit Blacker.


CISAC Honors College 2014 from Stanford CISAC on Vimeo.



The Program has four central requirements: 

  • A policy-relevant internship with a security related organization or government agency, in order to gain real-world policy experience. Internships served before or during junior year, by approval of the program director, count toward the requirement. If students have not served an internship before the summer between junior and senior years, CISAC will assist in placing them and offer a small stipend for living expenses if need is demonstrated. Please note that conducting research on campus for a Stanford faculty member on an academic subject will not qualify as an internship. Please contact Marisa MacAskill if you have questions regarding whether or not an internship opportunity will fulfill this requirement.

  • Participation in the CISAC Honors College, a two-week program that takes place in Washington, D.C., and on the Stanford campus in September before the start of the fall quarter of senior year.

  • Participation in weekly honors seminars throughout the academic year, led by two CISAC instructors and a teaching assistant.

  • Research and analysis producing an honors thesis at the end of senior year that makes a substantive contribution to the understanding of an international security issue. Each student's research is directed by an individual adviser specializing in his or her field of study.



Please see the links below for a list of all current Honors Program students and alumni, including their home departments, thesis topics, and final theses.

Honors Program Theses are archived with the Stanford University Libraries and can be accessed here.

How to Apply to the Honors Program

The application deadline for the 2017-2018 academic year is February 17, 2017.

PDF iconClick here to view the program flyer.



Please direct all inquiries to:

Marisa MacAskill, Fellowship and Student Programs Manager


*To be notified of program updates and to receive application reminders, please email Marisa MacAskill and request to be added to our Prospective Honors Program email list. Your email address will only be used for this purpose.

To read the answers to Frequently Asked Questions, click here.

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