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John Maguire

John Maguire


Not in residence


John Maguire is currently the Vice President of Business Development at AlienVault. He has led business development, developed and executed enterprise product global go-to-market strategies, launched and ran enterprise business units, and overseen the design, development, launch, and shipment of enterprise products as a product and general manager for a number of venture-backed enterprise technology companies. He has worked on the buy side as a corporate development executive for a public company and was previously the Head of Operations at Morta Security (acquired by Palo Alto Networks).
He served as the sole policy and political advisor of former Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) on all intelligence matters and as a Professional Staff Member at the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), where he was the original and leading staff drafter of the Rockefeller-Snowe Cybersecurity Act. This foundational legislative cyber proposal was the culmination of years' worth of consultations with cybersecurity executives and technical experts in the private sector, government, and civil liberties community. It was passed by the Senate Commerce Committee unanimously and led to the Executive Order Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity on February 12, 2013. John was also the Republican staff representative on the bipartisan Committee Cyber Task Force that evaluated cyber threats to the U.S., examined an Executive Branch intrusion detection system, and refined the Committee’s policy and oversight role on cyber issues.
He has held numerous other positions within the United States Navy, the federal government, and the intelligence community and is a graduate of the US Naval Academy, the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, and the McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University.