
Quick ILC Policy Guide for Visitors, Students, Staff and Faculty


Clinical appropriate attire (eg. Scrubs, white lab coats), no open toe shoes as there are needles and other sharp objects in the Center.

Food and Beverages

No food or open beverages in the simulation rooms, clinic suites or control rooms. Beverages must have lids. Catering is permitted only in debriefing rooms or project classroom and must be provide through LKSC catering services.

Respectful Environment

No drop in visitors are allowed. Please speak softly as classes may be in session. Please leave the spaces as you found them (clear trash, food, put tables back in their proper layout, etc).

Cameras, Photography & Recordings

Cameras are located throughout the Immersive Learning Center and may be on at any time. No recording or photographs will be published unless a written consent is signed, note: medical students sign a global consent upon entry to Stanford School of Medicine.

Cadavers, Cadaver parts, Live animals

These items are not permitted in the Immersive Learning Center.


No minors under the age of 18 are permitted in the Immersive Learning Center unless they are with a Stanford approved learning activity (ex: Med School 101, Health Matters). No staff, faculty or students may bring their children in the Immersive Learning Center.

ILC Safety Policies

Reserving space in the LKSC Project Classroom LK005 for lab-based exercises requires a Lab Safety Training for session faculty and/or TAs. The training covers:

Emergency Response

  • General
  • In case of earthquake
  • In case of fire
  • In case of medical emergency

Safety Rules and Procedures

  • Food and beverages
  • Cosmetic application
  • Hazardous chemicals
  • Specimen handling
  • Medical waste water disposal
  • Sharps
  • Disposal of animal tissue
  • Disposal of fixatives

Safety Training and Certification Form

Reserving space in the SoM Learning Space Labs and the LKSC Project Classroom LK005 is dependent upon completion of the Safety Training and Certificate form.

Emergency Procedures in School of Medicine Spaces

Identification of Physical Findings During Student Exercises

Students or faculty may make unexpected physical findings during scheduled activities. This policy addresses appropriate procedures in the event of such a finding.

ILC Scheduling and Use Policy

Food Used for Education, Training and Research in the ILC

Giving to CISL

Please consider making a gift to CISL.