Primary Care and Population Health

in the Department of Medicine

Message from the Chief

Welcome to the Division of Primary Care and Population Health. Stanford Medicine has an unprecedented opportunity to help fix an American health care system that is in crisis.  Costs are rising faster than society’s ability to keep pace, and while our per capita expenditure is nearly double that of the average industrialized nation, we are 37th in the World Health Organization’s ranking of nations in health care system performance.  While we have the most advanced medicines and technology in the world, we have created a health landscape that is bewildering for most people to navigate, with fragmentation of care and insufficient guidance in the face of more and more complex choices.  And especially, our care for frail seniors and those facing the end of life is still tragically missing the mark: over-treating but under-caring.   In order to be able to pay for the genuinely life-extending and enhancing advances in medicine -  many of which are being discovered daily at Stanford Medicine - we must find ways to eliminate unnecessary or uncoordinated care and find ways to provide better quality and experience for the same or less cost, at all stages of life. See more.

PALLIATIVE CARE FELLOWSHIP APPLICATIONS ALERT: Currently accepting applications through ERAS for the academic year starting July 1, 2018: As we were overwhelmed by a large number of fellowship applicants, we temporarily stopped accepting applications. We are pleased to announce that we have reopened our portal and we are accepting applications again. Please submit your application through ERAS on or before August 25, 2017 if you wish to be considered for the academic year of 2018.



September 8, 2017 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Primary Care Section Meeting

September 17, 2017 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM PCPH Summer Potluck Picnic

September 20, 2017 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Research Meeting

    Location: LKSC 209

October 3, 2017 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Palliative Care Grand Rounds

    Speaker: Dr. Micheal Westley    Location: LKS 304/205

    "A Good ICU Death - Not an Oxymoron"
