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The School of Humanities and Sciences is the center of a world-class liberal arts education and groundbreaking foundational research at Stanford University.

Humanities and Arts

Studying the humanities helps us record the past, understand the present, and shape the tools to imagine the future. At Stanford, humanities faculty and students explore big questions as they investigate the human experience in exciting, collaborative ways. Every day, they pursue knowledge that will enrich and transform our world. 

Social Sciences

students in classroom

Social science research provides a comparative framework to understand human behavior, demonstrating how universal values manifest differently around the world. These insights inform society's response to big questions such as, "What's the best way to sustain peace?," and help policy makers allocate resources effectively in response to opportunities and challenges.

Natural Sciences

From new evidence about the origin of the universe to using the world's largest distributed supercomputer to fight disease, researchers push the boundaries of knowledge. The best way to become a scientist is to do science, so faculty encourage students to ask hard questions and test their ideas. Stanford's interdisciplinary, collaborative culture catalyzes this process of discovery.


Aug 25 2017 | Stanford News
In a Q&A, nuclear security scholar Gabrielle Hecht discusses the consequences of nuclear war, what radioactive contamination would look like today and what damage nuclear activities have already caused.
Aug 25 2017 | Stanford News
Italy, a previously fascist country, became a democracy shortly after World War II ended. That transition and the country’s 1948 election are still sources of debate, and led Stanford undergraduate Anatole Schneider to search for answers.
Aug 23 2017 | Stanford News
Stanford historian Ana Raquel Minian traces the establishment of Mexican social clubs and the funds they raised for their hometowns between the 1960s and 1980s.

Feature Story

On Writing and Identity: An Interview with Author and Professor Chang-rae Lee 

June 13 2017

In the fall of 2016, acclaimed author Chang-rae Lee joined Stanford as the Ward W. and Priscilla B. Woods Professor in the English Department and Creative Writing Program.