
This section presents viewpoints about the Stanford University Libraries by students who have made extensive use of general stacks, special collections, digital materials and staff resources. These first two essays were delivered to the Stanford University Libraries Advisory Council on 14 May 2010.

Bridget Whearty is a fourth-year graduate student in English, working on medieval English literature with additional interests in theology and gay and lesbian literature. Her undergraduate degree is from the University of Montana. Her dissertation-in-progress, advised by Professors Jennifer Summit, Robert Harrison, and Michelle Karnes, is entitled For All is Good That Hath Good End: Narrative Structures and the Art of Dying in Late Medieval English Literature. Read her essay.

Esther Yu, Class of 2010, is pursuing a co-terminal Master’s degree in English with minors in International Relations and Modern Languages, focusing on Chinese and Spanish. She submitted her honors thesis on John Milton on the morning of the very day on which she addressed the Advisory Council. Read her essay.