SciFinder at Stanford


We are very pleased to announce that SciFinder-n is available to Stanford users, beginning September 1, 2019.  See SciFinder handouts in Stanford Box (limited to Stanford users).  Please also read SciFinder-n FAQs as it works differently than SciFinder.  Major features in SciFinder-n include:

  • Contains PatentPak (currently >11 Million mapped OCR’d patents)
  • Contains MethodsNow synthetic protocol content (currently 4.5 Million step-by-step synthetic protocols)
  • Enables multiple tab browsing for simultaneous searching
  • Option to remain logged into the search platform
  • Enables user to search References, Substances & Reactions at same time
  • Can search Exact, Substructure and Similar structures in one search
  • Contains enhanced Markush and Substructure search features
  • Provides a touch-screen enabled drawing editor (ChemDoodle)
  • Enables user to directly search for all chemical suppliers
  • Groups reference record answer sets according to Relevance
  • Saves and stores all historical searching by Date & Time

Register and use SciFinder

Produced by CAS, SciFinder-n, SciFinder, and MethodsNow is available for academic use to current students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, visiting scholars, and staff at Stanford. These products are not available to walk-in visitors.

Registration: One-time registration is required to create a personal login ID.  One registration system is used for SciFinder-n, SciFinder, and  MethodsNow Analytical section.    If you used SciFinder at another institution, you must choose a new user name when you register for access at Stanford.

Product information, training, and news

SciFinder-n allows scientists to do better research in less time. It accelerates research by providing actionable results such as step-by-step synthetic methods and hard to find chemistry in patents, viewing an interactive citation map of citing and cited literature.  SciFinder-n contains all of the content available in SciFinder and has integrated access to MethodsNow Synthesis, PatentPak, and Retrosynthetic Synthesis.  Predicted Synthesis will be launched in the near future.  Multiple tabs in a browser can be open at one time. 

SciFinder is the most comprehensive database for coverage of chemistry & chemical engineering. It has the world's largest collection of organic and inorganic substance information.  SciFinder provides integrated access to CAPlus, CAS Registry, CASREACT, CHEMLIST, and CHEMCATS which are produced by Chemical Abstracts Service, and to MEDLINE which is produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Sources covered in SciFinder include 10,000 journals, patents from 63 patent authorities, book chapters, conference proceedings, dissertations, evaluated reference works, technical reports, as well as book reviews and biographical information.  Only one tab in a browser can be open at one time.

MethodsNow is a single source for searching and comparing the latest published scientific methods by featuring step-by-step instructions that you can take right to the lab in areas like pharmacology, HPLC, food analysis, natural product isolation analysis and water analysis.  While the Synthesis portion of MethodsNow is integrated into SciFinder-n, the Analytical portion is a separate interface.

Product information

Training and support


More details about SciFinder and SciFinder-n content

SciFinder content:

References (CAPlus) has more than 50 million records from publications dating back to the early 1800s, with continuous coverage since 1907.  Cited/citing references cover 1997-present.  Updated daily.

Substances (CAS Registry) has 156 million organic and inorganic substances disclosed in literature since the early 1800s.  Includes alloys, coordination compounds, minerals, mixtures, polymers and salts; 68 million protein and nucleic acid sequences; and is enriched with experimental and predicted property data and spectra.  Updated daily.

Reactions (CASREACT) has ~118 million reactions from 1840 to present including organometallics, total syntheses of natural products and biotransformation reactions.  Records are enhanced with yield data, detailed reaction conditions, and experimental procedures. Updated daily.

Chemical suppliers (CHEMCATS) includes millions of unique commercially available products and covers verified catalogs from hundreds of suppliers.  Updated weekly.

Chemical regulations (CHEMLIST) covers more than ~394,000 unique chemical substances.  Includes information from 150 regulatory inventories and lists.  Updated weekly.

Markush representations in patents can embody hundreds of specific substances making it difficult to do a comprehensive search.  There are more than 1.2 million searchable Markush representations from >500,000 patents.  Continuous coverage since 1988, with selected coverage back to 1961. Updated daily.

Biomedical literature (MEDLINE) has more than 27.1 million records.  Covers 1946-present.  Updated six times each week, with an annual reload.

SciFinder-n content:

All content that is present in SciFinder plus these additional resources:

Synthetic methods (MethodsNow Synthesis) has more than 4.5 million step-by-step synthetic protocols.

Specific location of a structure within a patent (PatentPak) connects you to more than 17 million searchable, full-text patents from 46 major patent offices across the globe

Synthesis planning (retrosynthetic and predictive synthesis) offers a retrosynthetic analysis using reaction data in SciFinder and presents results in an intuitive retrosynthesis plan.  Predictive synthesis planning will available soon.

Updated 9/9/2019
