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Swain Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Library

Green Pocketbook

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Access: Our license agreement is for 3 simultaneous users so please remember to logoff.  Both SUNet authentication and a special user name and password are required.  All information needed to login is available at Green Pocketbook at Stanford.

Description: Produced by ViridisChem, Inc., Green Pocketbook is a powerful quick reference research tool that offers comprehensive chemical and toxicological information of over 60 million chemicals and visually shows toxicity footprint and green scores.  The Green Pocketbook contains 10 million reactions and over 30 million citations.  You can compare up to 5 chemicals side-by-side through easy to understand visual graphs and color-coded table.


  • Shows more than 20 physical properties, lists related citations and reactions
  • Provides toxicological properties from more than 100 sources; visually shows toxicity footprint/green scores
  • Lists most US and international regulatory concerns about the chemical

“Green Aware” process development

  • Correlates chemical and toxicological profiles to estimate Green Scores
  • Shows toxicological footprint and most regulatory concerns about chemical, so scientists can choose greener alternatives

Powerful Search

  • Chemical search based on structure, CAS#, name, molecular formula, chemical properties and classification
  • Citations search based on title, author, publication source, publication date-range, MeSH terms and keywords
  • Advance search allows you to combine multiple search criteria to quickly pinpoint what you are looking for

Technical requirements: Green Pocketbook is a SaaS application available through web browsers. ViridisChem supports most popular web browsers and the application is “reactive”, meaning it can be accessed through most web-enabled devices (screen size > 8” is recommended).

Learn more:

 Feedback:  Because this is a relatively new product, feedback or suggestions via this web page or by email - support [at] - are appreciated. If you get a busy signal often (all three logins are already in use), please send email to Grace Baysinger - graceb [at]

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