Stanford University and Stanford Medicine Strategic Planning Processes
Frequently Asked Questions

Stanford University recently announced the start of its long-range planning process, and Stanford Medicine has initiated its integrated strategic planning process. Below are frequently asked questions about each planning process and how you may participate in both.

What’s covered in the respective Stanford Medicine and Stanford University strategic plans?

Stanford Medicine is conducting an integrated strategic planning process that encompasses Stanford Health Care, Stanford School of Medicine, and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford (Stanford Children’s Health). The University is engaging in a long-range planning process for all of Stanford University, including its seven schools.

How can I participate in Stanford Medicine’s strategic planning process?

Stanford Medicine is currently in the diagnostic phase of the integrated strategic planning process. Recently, all members of the Stanford Medicine community received a survey conducted by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) as a diagnostic assessment of organizational culture, capabilities, and performance metrics. In the coming months, the integrated strategic planning committee will hold focus and working groups, interviews, and town halls to gather more perspectives. If you have any ideas or questions about this process, please email

How can I participate in the University’s long-range planning process?

To stimulate thinking and creativity and enable participation of the entire Stanford community, the University will be accepting proposals about the future direction of Stanford. Proposals should include a short summary and a longer statement of up to three pages. Submissions are due July 1, 2017. More details about where to submit proposals can be found on the University's long-range planning process website.

What will the University do with submitted proposals?

From July to October 2017, proposals will be organized by topic and submitted to the Area Steering Groups (ASGs), who may reach out to participants for additional information regarding their proposals. The ASGs may match teams and projects together to stimulate new ideas. All proposals will ultimately be submitted to the Executive Cabinet for consideration.

I have an idea for the Stanford Medicine plan that I believe would fit in the University’s long-range plan as well. May I submit my proposal to both plans?

Yes. You should feel free to send a copy of your proposal for the University-wide long-range planning process to The Stanford Medicine planning committee will collect and consider these proposals throughout its process.

Will the University’s long-range planning process conflict with Stanford Medicine’s integrated strategic planning timeline?

No. Throughout the second half of 2017, Stanford Medicine will be developing in-depth plans across key focus areas that are specific to Stanford Medicine and do not conflict with the University’s long-range planning process. Stanford Medicine is planning to launch its full strategic plan by December 2017 and will incorporate the University’s long-range planning vision when it is developed in early 2018.