Cardiovascular Imaging Postdoctoral Fellowship Training at Stanford

A Multidisciplinary NIH/NIBIB Training Program

Program Overview

The Multi-Disciplinary Training Program in Cardiovascular Imaging at Stanford is funded by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering of the National Institutes of Health. The program is designed to train the next generation of CV imaging investigators by exposing them to three complementary areas – clinical, engineering, and molecular imaging. With the impact of cardiovascular disease on US and world health and the rapid advances in imaging technologies and cardiovascular biology, it is critical that fellows be provided a broad, multi-disciplinary, and collaborative training program to foster their ability to translate CV imaging research into clinical application.

* Fellowship supports postdoctoral scholars for 1-2 years.

* During the fellowship MD fellows are limited to 10% clinical effort.

* Below are some potential laboratories of interest. Fellows can select dual mentors, for example one performing basic research and secondary mentor in clinics.

Mentors from the Schools of Medicine and Engineering, including Cardiovascular Medicine, Radiology, Molecular Imaging, Electrical Engineering, and Bioengineering are available 

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| Download CVIS Brochure |

Application Procedure


- MD, PhD, or MD/PhD graduates

- must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident

Materials required for Application Submission:

- Current CV

- 2-3 letters of recommendation (emailed to contact listed below)

- Career Goal Statement: Briefly summarize your previous research experience, and discuss your overall goals in pursuing training in cardiovascular imaging (one page)

Upload Application HERE

Anticipated start date: November 1, 2018 

Joseph Wu, MD, PhD
Program Director

John M. Pauly, PhD
Program Co-Director

Koen Nieman, MD, PhD
Program Co-Director


David Preston
Cardiovascular Institute
265 Campus Drive, G1120; MC-5454
Stanford, CA 94305
Phone: (650) 725-7964
Fax:  (650) 736-0234
